A Difficult Decision In Life

Categories: Decisions

I chose to write about a difficult decision I had to make years ago. I had to choose between leaving my family in hope of employment, or continue to let tax money support all of us. It was the best decision I have ever made. Starting truly from nothing, to living a normal happy life, and none of this was possible without my wife. She is the true warrior. She stuck by me through this whole thing. She always supported my decisions.

It was a very confusing time in my life, but I had to do what was best for my family.

In March of 2008, I was married to my wife, Lorene. I was 18 years old and ready to start a family. I was stupid. I made decent money working construction, but never expected to be laid off. My first son was born in October of 2008. So I got the family that I wanted, I just didn’t have a job now.

We lived in Yucca Valley, California, where my Mother rented a home to us.

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She was a recovering alcoholic. She lived in Arizona with her husband at the time. Her name was Lari Lee Packer. I know, boys first name. Doctors told her that if she ever drank alcohol again, she would die. After I told her husband many times not to bring alcohol in the house, he continued. So in January of 2009, my Mother spent a few weeks drinking with her husband, and died. She was 44 years old.

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Immediately after her death, people were calling, and showing up at my Mother’s house in California. A lot of the people that showed up wanted me to sign papers to take over my Mother’s debt. My older brother had already advised me to refuse. The other party of people that came were there only to inform us that we had 24 hours to get out.

My life was falling apart. We didn’t have any family in the area, nor any transportation. I was terrified. We ended up staying at a motel for two weeks, then moved down to the city of San Bernardino, where we lived with Lorene’s sister. Another year went by and we were still on welfare, and poorer than ever. I had nothing but my family, and a hard choice to make. I could stay and hope things would get better, or fly to my brother’s house in North Carolina and seek employment. It felt like such a long shot, but I had to do what was right. I couldn’t continue to feel useless. I made a family, just to be unable to provide for them. So I took the risk and flew to my brother’s house.

I walked two miles down the railroad tracks everyday, to go apply for jobs. On the fourth day, I was hired at McDonalds and a gas station. It sounds pathetic, but I no longer had standards since I was unemployed for so long. I would work endless hours, only to come home, collapse on my brother’s couch for four hours, get up and do it again. I continued this schedule for three weeks before deciding to leave McDonalds. By the time I received my last check from McDonalds, I had saved enough money, and flew my family to North Carolina.

In conclusion, it was a difficult decision to leave my family and venture into the unknown, but it was the best decision I have ever made. I think people need to remind themselves from time to time, “what is best for the family”? I now work as a hotel desk clerk, and I have a lot of free time. After discovering how much free time was available, I had to further pursue my education. So here I am, and that’s what’s best for my family.

Updated: Aug 14, 2020
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A Difficult Decision In Life. (2016, Dec 10). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-difficult-decision-in-life-essay

A Difficult Decision In Life essay
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