A Comparative Analysis: Vietnamese and American Writing Pedagogy

Education systems around the world differ significantly, and as an international student and educator hailing from Vietnam, I have observed notable distinctions between the educational approaches of the United States and my home country. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of the differences in teaching writing between Vietnam and the United States, drawing upon my experiences in a writing class at Eastern Illinois University.

Vietnamese Writing Pedagogy

In Vietnam, the development of writing skills is intertwined with the study of literature.

Unlike the United States, where writing is a distinct subject, Vietnamese students cultivate their writing abilities through various literary exercises. Beginning in primary school, students are prompted to compose simple paragraphs about their daily lives, covering topics such as "the person you love best" and "pets." These exercises focus on spelling, clarity, and vocabulary usage.

As students progress to secondary school, the complexity of their writing assignments increases. Essays evolve from simple narratives to encompass plot summaries, movie reviews, and literary analyses.

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The culmination of this writing education occurs during graduation, where students must demonstrate their mastery of writing skills in an examination. To enter university, an additional writing exam is required. However, unlike in the United States, university students in Vietnam do not undertake specialized writing courses; their focus is directed towards their chosen majors.

Cultural Influences on Writing Styles

The divergence in writing styles between Vietnam and the United States is rooted in cultural and philosophical traditions. While American essays follow a linear and thesis-driven structure, Vietnamese essays, influenced by the Chinese/Confucian tradition, often take on a circular form.

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This circularity, evident in models like Zhuang Tzu’s and Meng Tzu’s writings, reflects a more organic approach to conveying ideas.

Unlike the Western emphasis on clear thesis statements and topic sentences, Vietnamese essays adopt a more indirect approach. Academic essays in Vietnam cover various types, including description, commentary, proof-and-explanation, analysis, and critique. Each type adheres to a distinctive structure in the introduction, body, and conclusion.

Linguistic and Cultural Challenges in Vietnamese Writing

The linguistic disparities between English and Vietnamese present considerable challenges in writing. English grammar imposes strict rules on tense, agreement, and forms, whereas Vietnamese places a greater emphasis on word-building and morphology. Vietnamese, similar to Chinese, incorporates classifiers, adding complexity to the language. Mastering these classifiers is crucial for Vietnamese students, unlike their English counterparts.

Pronouns in Vietnamese exhibit a richness not found in English, with multiple variations for a single pronoun. This linguistic complexity extends to the use of elegant variations, a characteristic cherished in Vietnamese writing. Even in the technological era, the art of penmanship holds significance in Vietnamese classrooms, where the beauty of expression is deemed more valuable than technological tools.

The Influence of Writing Styles on Cultural Perception

The writing customs of a culture often reflect broader societal values and perceptions. In Vietnam, the love for wordplay and elegant variation is deeply embedded in various contexts, where such nuances might seem unusual in English writing. The aesthetic aspect of expression holds paramount importance in Vietnamese writing, extending even to the technology employed in the process.

Unlike the prevalence of computers in American classrooms, Vietnamese students often engage in the technology of penmanship. The tactile connection with writing materials is believed to enhance the enthusiasm for expression, fostering a belief that the beauty of nature and internal sensations can be better conveyed through traditional writing methods. This cultural nuance adds an additional layer of complexity to the Vietnamese approach to writing.

The Evolution of Writing Pedagogy: Challenges and Innovations

While traditional writing pedagogy in Vietnam has deep-rooted cultural influences, there is an ongoing evolution, marked by the integration of modern techniques. The global interconnectedness has brought forth challenges and opportunities in teaching writing. Vietnamese educators are increasingly recognizing the need to prepare students for international communication and collaboration.

Modern technologies are gradually making their way into Vietnamese classrooms, impacting the traditional dynamics of writing classes. The shift towards digital tools introduces new methods of instruction, providing students with a more interactive and collaborative learning experience. The challenge lies in striking a balance between preserving cultural writing traditions and embracing innovative approaches that align with global standards.

The Evaluation of Essays and Classroom Dynamics

Grading criteria for essays in Vietnam encompass grammar, language, and content. Instructors focus on adherence to the topic, clear organization, proportional sections, cohesive transitions, logical arguments, correct spelling, and overall clarity. While Western writing classes often involve collaborative activities, Vietnamese writing classes resemble literature classes. Lectures dominate, with minimal group discussions. Instructors evaluate individual submissions, providing feedback and highlighting exemplary essays for the benefit of the entire class.

Unlike the Western emphasis on invention and independent research, Vietnamese students lean towards memorization and note-taking. Historical and geographical essays often rely on teachers' lectures, with students preparing for exams by memorizing information provided by the instructor. In contrast, the American model encourages independent research, proposal writing, and expansive exploration of topics.

English Writing Pedagogy in Vietnam

Teaching writing in English to Vietnamese students involves a unique set of challenges. While the ideal approach is to mimic the learning process of native English speakers, the reality often resembles an ESL (English as a Second Language) class. Freshman and sophomore students focus on sentence and paragraph construction, with topics revolving around simple narratives such as the first day at school or an unforgettable memory. Junior and senior students delve into essay writing theory but lack consistent practice.

English essays in Vietnam tend to be shorter, around 1-2 pages, with limited research due to language constraints. Familiarity with citation styles like MLA or APA is minimal, with the primary emphasis placed on correcting grammar errors. Writing assignments are given for home practice, followed by collaborative discussions and feedback in the classroom.

Challenges in Bridging the Gap

The differences in writing pedagogy highlight the challenges faced by educators when bridging the gap between diverse cultural and linguistic contexts. The transition from Vietnamese writing customs to English writing proficiency requires a nuanced understanding of the linguistic hurdles faced by students. In many cases, the emphasis on grammar correction in Vietnamese writing classes may not fully prepare students for the complexities of English syntax and grammar rules.

Furthermore, the shift from a circular Vietnamese essay structure to the linear and thesis-driven American model demands a recalibration of cognitive approaches. This transition is not merely about language acquisition but involves a reorientation of thinking patterns. Educators must be attuned to these challenges to facilitate a smoother transition for students.

Future Directions: Nurturing Global Writers

As we navigate the intricate landscape of writing pedagogy, it becomes imperative to envision future directions that foster the development of global writers. Collaborative efforts between Vietnamese and American educators can create platforms for the exchange of best practices and insights. The integration of diverse writing styles can enrich the educational experience, preparing students to navigate the complexities of a globalized world.

Moreover, leveraging advancements in technology can bridge the geographical gap, enabling students to engage in virtual collaborations and cross-cultural writing experiences. This not only enhances their writing skills but also cultivates a global perspective, breaking down cultural barriers and fostering mutual understanding.


Understanding the intricacies of writing pedagogy in different cultural and linguistic contexts is vital for educators in diverse classrooms. This comparative analysis has shed light on the distinctive approaches to teaching writing in Vietnam and the United States. Recognizing and appreciating these differences not only enriches our understanding of language but also fosters a more inclusive and effective educational environment for students worldwide.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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A Comparative Analysis: Vietnamese and American Writing Pedagogy. (2016, Mar 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/a-comparison-of-vietnamese-and-american-writing-pedagogy-essay

A Comparative Analysis: Vietnamese and American Writing Pedagogy essay
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