A Bad Experience and What I Learned From It

Categories: Experience

I was never a great public speaker. I tend to get nervous, and my voice goes up a little bit and gets higher pitched.

But when I was about 13 years old, I joined some speech contests at my school. I wasn't really sure why—I don't think it was something that any of my friends were interested in doing. But the people who ran them were really enthusiastic, so it seemed like something fun to do with them.

Later, when my dad asked if I wanted to participate in a recital contest, which was citywide, I agreed without hesitation.

I was a proud peacock thinking that it was impossible for me not to win, so I neglected practicing. But when I turned on the microphone, I was faced with a problem: What was the stunning opening line that I used to start speeches with? I was too arrogant to start with the common “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,” when I really couldn’t think of anything else.

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So there I stood, face ashen, eyes wide, holding on to the last hope that the lines would pop up. They didn’t, and the bell rang. I walked miserably off stage, trying hard not to trip to retain what little dignity I had left. The audience was quiet, and I was not used to it. Well goes the say,” No pain, no gain.” Were it not for the loss, I wouldn’t know the importance and essentiality of previous drills and being humble.

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Since then, I always make sure I practice till the last minute for anything that is to come.


Updated: Jan 20, 2023
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A Bad Experience and What I Learned From It essay
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