The Role of Laws in Society

Categories: GovernmentLawRights


What defines a law? Laws are the established rules of conduct, devised by a government, to guide and govern society. This concept has prevailed throughout the annals of civilization, finding its roots in the Code of Hammurabi, a groundbreaking set of laws crafted by King Hammurabi in Babylon between 1792 and 1750 B.C.E. The Code of Hammurabi serves as the cornerstone for contemporary legal systems, shaping the landscape of laws that persist to this day. This essay explores the multifaceted significance and functions of laws in a democratic society, elucidating their role in establishing a code of conduct, safeguarding the rights and freedoms of citizens, and ensuring the overall protection of society.

The Establishment of Rule of Conduct

Living in a society necessitates interaction with others, giving rise to conflicts that require resolution.

The enactment of laws serves to curtail and manage these inevitable conflicts. A prime example is found in traffic regulations, such as the Highway Traffic Acts, which set parameters like minimum driving age, speed limits, and mandatory seat belts.

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These laws not only regulate behavior but also enhance road safety, ultimately saving lives. Similarly, the Copyright Act mitigates conflicts by preventing unauthorized reproduction of intellectual property, reducing the number of legal disputes and fostering a climate of creativity and innovation.

Protection of Rights and Freedoms

Central to the function of laws is the safeguarding of rights and freedoms cherished by citizens. The need for external protection is evident in the existence of law enforcement agencies such as the RCMP and provincial police, tasked with ensuring public safety and preserving life.

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Criminal laws, prohibiting actions like assault and harassment, play a pivotal role in upholding individual rights and freedoms. The criminal code acts as a deterrent, establishing a clear framework of acceptable behavior and consequences for transgressions.

Ensuring Safety in Society

Beyond conflict resolution and rights protection, laws are indispensable for providing overall safety in society. Various legal frameworks, such as contract laws, shield individuals from exploitation by ensuring fair treatment in transactions. Labor laws guarantee safe and hygienic working conditions, coupled with the assurance of a minimum wage, fostering a workplace environment conducive to the well-being of employees. Moreover, laws exist to protect vulnerable groups, such as handicap individuals, ensuring they receive the necessary provisions for a dignified life.


In essence, the meaning and function of law in a democratic society transcend mere regulation; they encompass the establishment of conduct, protection of rights and freedoms, and provision of safety for all. As enshrined in the charter of rights and freedoms, the inherent right to life, liberty, and security is paramount. Laws serve as the bedrock of a harmonious society, enabling individuals to lead lives of peace and happiness, confident in the protection and preservation of their fundamental rights.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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The Role of Laws in Society. (2016, Jun 26). Retrieved from

The Role of Laws in Society essay
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