Telus: Assessing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats


Telus is a Canadian telecommunication company which distributes number of communication and entertainment products including internet, home telephones and HD setup boxes. This company was founded in 1990 in Edmonton, Alberta. Telus works under BCTIA (British Columbia Technology Industry Association). Its main office is in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Strengths of Telus

  • Strong brand: Telus is a strong brand as in past few years, it has overcome some internet supplying companies.
  • Latest technology products : this brand always think to give new and latest technology products to their customers.
  • Fast service: service of telus is far good than other than other telecommunication companies like Shaw and Rogers.

    Telus gives clean and fast service to customer's doorstep.

  • Location: telus has their headquarter in Vancouver which is beneficial for them as it is populated and highly advanced city to setup new connections.
  • Market leadership: telus is one of the top internet service providers in Canada.
  • Latest services: this company provides next generation services through IDEN & HSPA+ networks.


  • Expensive: company include some plans on internet and HD tv which are quite high.
  • Wire line performance: in past few years, performance is declined in wire line segment.
  • Less audience: due to high competition, telus has less audience as compared to other companies.
  • No service in rural areas: Telus fails to give services to some backward areas in Canada.
  • Overseas business: this company delivers service only in us and Canada.


  • Technology growth: as technology is growing by each passing day, it will help telus to grow smartphones and tv markets.
  • Collaboration: in upcoming years government of Canada could collaborate with telus to provide service at rural areas.
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    Also, government could give incentives to develop more offices.

  • Overseas: Asian countries are planning to shake hands with telus to get internet service.


  • Competition: Rogers and Shaw communication are big companies which are threat to telus, and they have overseas business including African countries.
  • Customer variation: customers change their telecommunication partner; they incline towards cheap plans company.
  • Trade relation between us and china: this trade relation varies a lot for telus, as this company could not provide its service in china which lead to a big loss.


  • Company overview, strategy & values, team - About. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  • Department, S. M. (n.d.). TELUS SWOT Analysis Matrix (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats). Retrieved from
  • TELUS SWOT & PESTLE Analysis. (2019, May 13). Retrieved from
  • Zigu. (n.d.). Telus SWOT Analysis | Competitors & USP | Brand Guide. Retrieved from
Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Telus: Assessing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. (2019, Dec 05). Retrieved from

Telus: Assessing Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats essay
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