Youth is notonly a time of life it is also a state

"Youth is not

only a time of life, it is also a state of mind and

a matter of will·" -Samuel Ullman

Adolescence is a transitional phase of human life span that begins with the ending of childhood and end with the beginning of adulthood. Adolescence is an also known as teenage year which corresponds roughly 10 to 19 years which varies across the time, culture and social settings. The term "Adolescence" derives from the Latin word "Adolescere", this means "to grow into maturity".

Adolescence is characterized as period of growth and maturation.

It can also be defined as a critical period, during which a child witnesses biological, psychological, emotional and social manifestations in life and these manifestations attribute in marking the end of childhood and lay foundations to his / her physical, psychological, emotional and social maturity of adulthood.

Adolescence is also a very sensitive period, when innumerable changes and transitions occur. Although, all stages of the life span have own importance over others however; in some stages, immediate effects are more significant, while other phases are important due to their long term effects on attitudes and behaviors.

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Similarly, some stage is vital because of dominance of physical development, where as some are profound due to psychological effects. Adolescence is an only stage, during which immediate and long term both effects are prominent as well as the physical growth and psychological developments are also equally important for development of adolescents. After infancy, adolescence is the only stage of life span, when growth and development occur in such a high speed and rate that it is marked as period of growth spurt.

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These fierce growth and development influences the emotional world of adolescents, directly and indirectly (both) and create new challenges and difficulties for them.

Adolescence is a transitional phase, although this transition does not mean break from what has experienced and learnt before. But; it means a passage from one stage to another stage. No doubt, in any transitional stage, an individual's way is obscure and always some confusion and unique problems arise at points and adolescence stage is not an exception. Adolescents also face lots of confusion and dual standards as they are neither considered as a child nor as an adult. They are in totally at status of vague, where they have to deal with biological and hormonal changes, emotional outbursts and new social norms and standards.

It is a time, when growth and changes occurred in all domain of development with major changes in physical maturity and sexuality, cognitive processes (ways of thinking and thought content), emotional feelings and relationships with others as well as discovery of identity formation and exploration of new roles are taking place. Sexual changes, voice change and hormonal changes also take place. It means adult like personality pattern and new pattern of relationship formation begin to emerge. Individual becames more concerned about appearance and personality. Most of their activities are often done in groups. Drama starts to be part of all relationships. Misunderstanding of intent or action is common. Comparisons are done. They want to be part of groups but not too much at the same time. They want to be an individual but not totally that individual. It is a stage of confusions. Search and development of self -identity begin with questions in mind such as who am I and where do I fit in, which may intensify vulnerability of an adolescent individual. Psychologists consider that adolescence as a dreaded age, time of unrealism and stage of storm and stress, also it is a period during which child actively searching and developing a firm state of mind for self in process to create an identity as to define his adolescent's self.

Psychologically, it could be defined as an age when a child, as an individual self, integrates with adult society. This new phase of integration and social relationship with adults affect the child in many aspects as it generates very profound intellectual changes such as puberty and a competitive feeling of being equal to adults. In fact, adolescence is not a period but it is a process. A process of successfully transforming a child and completing developmental tasks in terms of growth, attitude, beliefs, personality, emotions and skills for desirable participation in the society and attaining maturity like as adult. On one hand, it is time of hope and new goals, while on other hand; it is time of confusion, challenges and risks. It is not only time of growth and development, it is time of exploring own potential and emerging as adult.

Speaking about recent scenario, the major deviation occurred in this 21st century is that it is an era of rapid social changes and technological revolution. Due to these factors, environment of today's world is ever changing like never before. Adolescents of today's world are always surrounded with global knowledge due to availability of cheaper modern technology, which is generally confusing, unchecked and uncensored. Further, modern society has also presented new challenges such a break up of joint families, distant living and disintegration of parents due emergence of dual income for better future etc, which let parents have limited time, energy and sincerity to guide today's adolescents. Due to all this, in drastically ever changing and advancing environment, many of the adolescents, who could be transformed into energetic, highly ambitious and brilliant individuals, find it difficult to adjust with the environmental pressure and often surrender their inner selves to it.

Adolescence is highly emotionally charged time of life. The developmental challenges are daunting, the vulnerability from insecurity is high, the demands of growth are many, the conflicts over independence are so frustrating and the experience of growing older is so exciting. Adolescence is also regarded as a period of heightened stress. It is one of the toughest phases of life. It is in between season of spring and summer of life. Psychologists have regarded it as a period of heightened emotionality. Physical and hormonal changes bring emotional fluctuation and uncertainty.

Emotional uncertainty and instability is characterized as of anger, fear, shame, disgust, variations in moods, nervousness, sensitiveness, stubbornness, disobedience etc. Drive for sex and attraction towards opposite sex is also a source of emotional instability and disturbance. Apart from it, searching for identity and drive for independence increases emotional conflicts in adolescents and it can bring moments of insecurity, helplessness, frustration, uselessness and isolation. So, they are very prone to emotional maladjustment, ironically to achieve emotional maturity it is one of the most important developmental tasks of adolescence.

Adolescence may be considered as emotionally trying period. It is a time of both opportunities and risks. Adolescence is a period, when the behavior is highly derived and influenced by emotions. Teenagers are on the threshold of love life, work and participation into adult society. Yet, adolescence is also a time, when some young people engage in such behavior that closes off their options and limits their possibilities that provoke risks, challenges and difficulties which may yield the risk of psychosomatic problem, such as anxiety, tension, frustration; sometimes depression and suicide.

It is also the phase of decision making that may open up or close off the future opportunity and it can only be tackled by controlling the emotions in mature way. Young people's emotional well being is increasingly recognized as being important not only in own right, but; because emotions at this stage play a significant role in learning, cognitive, social skill and maturation of adolescence. It plays key role in attaining intimacy, positive self concept, emotional stability and social understanding as well as it is very helpful in healthy adult hood development.

Emotions are very powerful factor that tend to motivate and control human life and also affect aspirations, actions and thoughts of every human being. Emotion is convoluted psychology and physiological experience; defines as practice of a person's state of mind, which interacts with internal as well as external influences. Emotions are associated with impulse, physiological arousal, conscious experience and expressive behavior. It is basically related with mood, temperaments, personality motivation and disposition. Emotions are comprised of both positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions improve physical and mental health, while negative emotion leads towards anxiety, aggression, depression and negativity. Therefore, a healthy emotional development can be only cultivated by emotional maturity.

The term "Emotional Maturity" is coined up by two word emotion and maturity, so it is very important to define the term "Emotion" and "Maturity" separately. Etymologically; the noun "Emotion" came first and the theatrical Verb "Emote" followed in the early twentieth century. Its old French root Word is "Emouvoir", which means "to stir up" from the Latin "Emovere" which means "Move Out", to "Remove" or to "Agitate" (Rather 2010). Emotions are complex conditions and they provide information to us about our status in relation to the world in terms of underlying feelings, action and physiological changes as occurs in joy, fear, rage, excitement and so on. It is an acute condition characterized by activities and experiences, which are different from routine and normal. Being "Emotional" means being driven / agitated by feeling or arousing emotion. Emotion is basic primeval forces that emerge internally to cope up with situation and affect overall behavior of the individual. It has both direct and indirect impact on personality. Emotions can be constructive or destructive, if emotions are disturbing and uncontrolled then it adversely affects individual and leads towards self - destruction, where as; if emotions are pleasant and controlled in positive way, it could help to construct personality very efficiently.

Maturation is the process within development, which sets the stage for learning requiring exercise or observation of performance of others. Maturity is one of the important aspects of everyone's life. It is defined as capacity of individual's mind to patiently withstand and calmly respond to any unexpected circumstances or environment in an appropriate manner.

Thus; "Emotional Maturity" implies the capacity of individual to manage, control and direct emotions appropriately according to uncertainty, circumstances or environment. A person is said to be emotionally mature, when he/she is capable to handle his/her emotion according to situation and respond to it in an appropriate manner. In other words, it can be defined that Emotional Maturity is degree to which individual control and represent own emotions, feelings, moods and attitudes according to situation and place as well as understand other's emotions, feelings and moods. It is the ability to enjoy things, to love and laugh and also express grief and sorrow where it is needed, to have reasonable amount of patience and tolerance in adverse situation, to realize his anger in acceptable manner and situation, to represent his fear if there is need to be frightened.

Emotional maturity is also referred as a process of attaining the greater sense of emotional health and emotional stability in terms of internal and external both. Emotional Maturity plays key role in the adolescent's life. As defined earlier, Adolescence period is known as "Period of Heightened Emotionality and Stage of Storm and Stress", therefore; in the present scenario, Adolescence has become more challenging and difficult because of higher competition, expectation and technological revolution. These factors may raise emotional vulnerability like emotional upset, tension, anxiety, frustration etc in day to day life and some times, it become worse like severe depression and attempt to suicide. This emotional vulnerabilities can be handled through proper emotional maturity.

Emotional maturity is not only a means but it is an essence of survival for healthy adolescent development and emerges as a mature adult. It is also one of the important determinants of the personality that directs the individual, how to control emotions, manage it and how to respond to particular circumstance in responsible and mature way. Although, Emotional Maturity does not means suppress the emotions but it inclined with guiding individual's emotions in an acceptable manner rather than letting emotions to drive the person in unacceptable way. Emotional maturity can expound as individual capacity to manage, control own emotions and to able to access others emotional states as well as to persuade their judgments and actions. It brings balance to inner self of individual so he does not think too high or too low about own selves and it is also inclined with how individual can handle own relationship and harmonize his inner feeling with other or outer world. As the adolescence age is foundation for future mature adulthood development in this their Emotional Maturity is vital one. Emotions are the foundation of each relationship in individual's lives, and the power of those emotions cannot be overlooked.

Emotions often override ones thoughts and profoundly influence ones behavior. The success of individual depends on emotional management. Achieving emotional maturity is very important for forming identity, social participation, and cognitive development and developing intimacy in adulthood.

An emotionally mature adolescent is not who can solve all problem but able to manage problems effectively and deals with feelings, thinking and behavior in an appropriate and balance manner. Emotional maturity is characterized for adolescents as capability to abstain from emotional outbursts and express their emotion in socially acceptable way. It is an ability to evaluate a situation critically instead of acting rashly.

Emotional Maturity is comprised of five components that are Self Awareness, Self Regulation, Internal Motivation, Empathy and Social Skills.

Self - Awareness is theability to recognize and understandmown moods and motivations and their effects on others and it shows confidence, sense of humor, aware of your impression on others.

Self - Regulation is comprised of controlling impulses, instead of being quick to react rashly, when someone complaining as rude to you, you don't respond in kind. It includes adaptability, impulse control, deferring gratification and mental flexibility.

Internal Motivation is an interest in learning self-improvement as a pursuit of wealth and status that includes initiative and commitment to complete a task, Perseverance in the face of adversity, courage and insight.

Empathy is an ability to understand another person's emotional reaction which includes compassion, personal responsibility and good judgment.

Social skills is ability to interact and communicate with others to create relationships, establish social rules and build networks, that comprised of communications, conflict management, associating actions with consequences and leadership (ability to guide and inspire others).

Emotional maturity is the product of interaction between many factors, which are Type of discipline and family's socio - economic status, peer groups, school or college. The family is primary unit of all society. Family unit comprised of norm and value standard, which is the agencies of socialization. The family is foundation for all social institution and development and the socio economic status is one of the important factors that mostly influence the family, standard of living and development of an individual. Socio - economic status (SES) is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. It is commonly conceptualized as the social standing or class of an individual or group.

Socio - economic status can also be defined as an Individual's or Family's economical and social standing in respect to other Individual's of the Society or the Society itself based over the comparison of family background, income, education, occupation, social acceptability and influence in the society. Out of these, family background has repeatedly proven to be a strong predictor of development of an individual.

Family socio economic status is closely attached to individual development, with effects beginning prior to birth and continuing into adulthood. So, this also affects development of the teenagers as well as their relationship with parents. Family financial hardship and pressure hinders behavioral and emotional functioning of parents and it affects children and adolescents both decrements in competent functioning (like Cognitive Ability, Social Competence, Academic Success and Attachment to Parents) which increase internalizing ( e.g. symptoms of depression and anxiety) as well as externalizing problems ( e.g. Aggressive and Anti-social Behaviour).

Updated: May 19, 2021
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Youth is notonly a time of life it is also a state essay
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