Yeh Li Zhou Chiu and Chen 2018 stated that in psychological treatment

Yeh, Li, Zhou, Chiu and Chen (2018) stated that in psychological treatment, VR technology can present audiovisualexperiencesmorerealisticallycomparedtotraditionaltherapytechnologyandprovidesasafe and controllable environment where patients can be treated. The scenario in VR can be customized according to the patient's condition, so that the patient can express his emotions fully. The treatment can be operated along with various sensing devices to collect data and obtain feedback. The two published study cases analysed by the authors both showed positive results in using VR for psychological treatment. The authors also stated that some studies have proven that the construction of a closed room leads to subject discomfort.

However,theauthorsdidnothaveenoughdatafortheeffectivenessofVRexposuretreatment. Yeh, Li, Zhou, Chiu and Chen (2018) proposed an experiment to investigate the effect of application of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) on induced anxiety. After the experiment, the authors analysedthedataandcameoutwithadiscussion. Theauthorsstatedthatthesubjectsexperienceacertain


degree of anxiety in VR and AR. The results of their study showed that the effect of VR is better than that of AR in the psychological indicators.

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As the subjects were able to tell if they were in a built scene by bowing thier heads to see their legs in VR, the number of subjects that could not tell at once if the scene is virtual or real is reduced greatly. The ?re in the AR scenario was relatively direct with insf?cient logic due to technical reasons as the ?re moved along with the head. The subjects were immersed in the real background scenes in AR therefore many subjects feared the two scenarios but speculated that those were simulations.

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In both VR and AR, the subjects came to realisation that the ?re or the effects were virtual and followed by gradual relaxation. Based on the data collected by Yeh, Li, Zhou, Chiu and Chen (2018), the skin conductance of the subjects changed greatly after entering the virtual scenario. There were no signi?cant difference between the heart rates of subjects in the resting state and in the experimental status butthereweresigni?cantdifferencebetweentheheartratesofsubjectintherestingstateandinthepseudo experimental status. The reason of the increment of heart rate is possibly due to it is the ?rst time most of the subjects wore helmet. Another reason for the increment of heart rate might be due to the subjects became more focus in the experimental task, which led to a deeper immersion according to the authors. Yeh, Li, Zhou, Chiu and Chen (2018) concluded that both VR and AR can effectively induce anxiety in subjects. The authors believed that the difference of data collected for VR and AR are too insigni?cant to determine which system would be more effective in inducing anxiety [2].

Updated: May 20, 2021
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Yeh Li Zhou Chiu and Chen 2018 stated that in psychological treatment. (2019, Dec 02). Retrieved from

Yeh Li Zhou Chiu and Chen 2018 stated that in psychological treatment essay
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