The Role of Routers and Firewalls in Computer Networks

Categories: Network

The router plays a crucial role in computer networks by facilitating the movement of data between different networks. It is essentially a specialized computer or network device that is equipped with software to enable this data transfer. By storing the addresses of all the networks it needs to communicate with, the router effectively controls the flow of internet and LAN (local area network) traffic. The internet itself is a vast global system that connects computers worldwide through a standard protocol known as TCP/IP.

When we delve deeper into the workings of the internet, we find that it relies on a complex network of wires, cables, and satellites to transfer data between computers.

These interconnected communication links form the internet backbone, which consists of high-speed connections that link numerous networks and nodes across the globe. When a computer in a company, such as VJ Edibles, connects to the internet, it does not directly link to the internet backbone. Instead, it connects to an Internet Service Provider (ISP) like Virgin, Sky, or Talk Talk, which charges a monthly fee for internet access and provides the necessary software and user accounts.

In order to establish communication with the ISP, computers at VJ Edibles require modems to connect to a phone line.

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Once connected to the internet, these computers become visible to other devices on the network, highlighting the need for enhanced security measures. This is where a firewall comes into play, acting as a barrier between the network and the computers to regulate which devices can connect and which servers they can access.

While there are various types of firewall products available, a proxy server is recommended for companies like VJ Edibles.

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A proxy server provides each PC within the company with the ability to conceal their home IP address from external sources. By routing PC connections through the proxy server, the actual IP address is masked, offering increased privacy and security for the computers at VJ Edibles.

Now, let's delve into the concept of TCP/IP (Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). These two protocols are specifically designed to facilitate computer communication on a global scale. The TCP component focuses on verifying the delivery of data packets, while the IP component deals with the movement of these packets between nodes. TCP/IP software is integrated into major operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and UNIX.

The IP protocol operates as a packet-switching protocol, enabling the transfer of data across both local and long-distance connections. Data is transmitted in specially formatted units known as packets, which are sent from the source to the destination through network switches and routers. Each packet contains sender and recipient address information, allowing routers and network switches to determine the optimal path for transferring the data to its intended destination.

IP addresses are represented as numerical combinations separated by periods (e.g., 123.456.789.012), making them difficult to memorize. To simplify this process, the Domain Name System (DNS) translates these numerical addresses into domain names, providing users with a more user-friendly way to identify the location of a computer, whether it is in a specific country or organization.


Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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The Role of Routers and Firewalls in Computer Networks. (2016, Sep 28). Retrieved from

The Role of Routers and Firewalls in Computer Networks essay
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