The Significance of "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde

Categories: Women


Oscar Wilde, the illustrious Irish playwright, unfolds a masterful critique of late Victorian society in his timeless work, "The Importance of Being Earnest." This play delves into the intricacies of aristocracy, marriage, wit, and social dynamics during the early 1900s, encapsulating Wilde's sharp observations and satirical prowess.

Through a cast of characters, Wilde navigates the societal norms and contradictions of the time, shedding light on the struggles individuals faced in the face of societal expectations. In particular, the characters of Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen, and Cecily serve as lenses through which Wilde explores the superficiality, hypocrisy, and the lack of autonomy prevalent in the fabric of Victorian society.

Lady Bracknell: A Microcosm of Victorian Society

Wilde crafts Lady Bracknell as a representative figure, embodying the prevailing attitudes of early 20th-century society.

As the authoritative adult in the play, Lady Bracknell's tone is consistently earnest, commanding, and laden with judgments. Despite her serious demeanor, her statements often reveal layers of absurdity, hypocrisy, and self-contradiction.

An instance of this contradiction is evident when Lady Bracknell expresses disdain for mercenary marriages, despite her own union with Lord Bracknell being rooted in financial considerations.

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Her fixation on wealth becomes apparent as she contemplates the potential marriage of Algernon and Cecily, envisioning the considerable fortune that would accompany such a union.

Furthermore, Lady Bracknell dismisses the value of prolonged engagements, emphasizing societal focus on surface-level appearances. This obsession with outward qualities contributes to the sheltered and uneducated lives led by women in the play, including Cecily and Gwendolen.

Wilde uses Lady Bracknell to highlight the prevailing materialistic mindset and societal norms that restricted the choices and identities of individuals during the Victorian era.

Sheltered Lives of Cecily and Gwendolen

Cecily and Gwendolen, despite their differing backgrounds as a country girl and a city girl, share the commonality of leading sheltered lives.

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Wilde utilizes their characters to underscore the detrimental effects of such sheltering on their education and understanding of the world.

Gwendolen, raised under the strict views of her mother Lady Bracknell, lacks exposure to formal education. Lady Bracknell's disdain for education contributes to Gwendolen's limited knowledge. Similarly, Cecily's rural upbringing offers her the opportunity for education, but her lack of interest reflects societal expectations that women should prioritize superficial qualities over intellectual pursuits.

Both women, despite their intelligence, fall in love with a name rather than a person, illustrating the fantasy-driven nature of their lives. Their fictional diaries serve as a testament to the boredom and imagination resulting from their uneventful lives. Wilde critiques societal expectations that confine women to limited roles, devoid of meaningful engagement or intellectual pursuits.

The sheltered lives of Cecily and Gwendolen, devoid of meaningful engagements, contribute to the societal constraints that limit their identities and perpetuate gender inequalities.

The Imaginary Identity: Ernest

Cecily and Gwendolen's fixation on the name "Ernest" serves as a poignant commentary on societal expectations and the lack of identity for women during the period. Both women, lacking meaningful engagements such as work or education, indulge in their active imaginations, crafting an idealized version of a man named Ernest.

Wilde suggests that these women, with ample time on their hands, create a fictional reality to escape the monotony of their lives. The irony lies in their pursuit of a man without a true identity, mirroring their own lack of a substantial identity due to societal constraints. As Wilde subtly advocates for gender equality, he challenges the prevailing norms that devalue women's intellect and autonomy.

Through the character of Ernest, or the lack thereof, Wilde underscores the need for women to break free from societal expectations and assert their identities beyond the constraints imposed by a patriarchal society.

Challenging Societal Norms and Advocating Equality

Oscar Wilde, through "The Importance of Being Earnest," offers a powerful critique of late Victorian society, unraveling the complexities of societal expectations and their impact on individual identities, particularly those of women. The characters of Lady Bracknell, Gwendolen, and Cecily serve as vehicles through which Wilde challenges the prevailing norms and advocates for a more inclusive and egalitarian society.

As the play unfolds, Wilde invites reflection on the importance of genuine identity, education, and the need to challenge societal norms that perpetuate inequality. "The Importance of Being Earnest" remains a timeless work that continues to resonate, prompting audiences to reconsider societal expectations and advocate for a society where individuals, regardless of gender, can forge their identities free from societal constraints.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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The Significance of "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde. (2016, Jun 20). Retrieved from

The Significance of "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde essay
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