Women Entrepreneurs In The Economy

Categories: Entrepreneur

Women play an important an emerging economic force. They have the ability to balance and priorities different tasks, and manage to succeed in building relationships with employees and customer in the workforce. Find satisfaction in having control of their own fate, and in accomplishing something that they consider worthwhile . The modern democratic economy in the world depends on the contribution of both sexes. Women are more likely to recognize job opportunities just like men. In Africa and Asia, fear of failure business rates for women are equal or lower than for men.

As women consider themselves strong innovators. Especially In developed countries, the different opportunities provided by women entrepreneurs help develop markets and increase employment. But despite the progress in developed countries, there are challenges and the fact that gender gap remains an emerging global phenomenon to date . “ This is not a developing country issue — it is a global issue, there are only about 10 countries in the world where entrepreneurship is equal.

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As indicated by the OECD conferences on Women Entrepreneurs in SMEs held in Paris in 1997 and 2000, that the situation in which women are discriminated against in business has negative social, political and economic consequences for any country and the absence of data on obstacles of entering or succeeding in business makes policy formulation difficult. Current research show that women-owned SMEs globally tend to focus in low-growth or low-profit sectors. Such as retail, food services and beauty sectors. There are 75% of women in Asia and Africa in these consumer-oriented sectors.

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The problem is that women are concentrated in low-profit and internally concentrated sectors with low prospects for economic and commercial growth, which explains the gender income gap. Focusing on these sectors limits financial opportunities, as banks consider these as a lower investment opportunity. But in particular SMEs are important in creating job functions in all economies around the world; encouraging women to own Small- medium enterprises leads to increasing job prospects. “ women are rarely a part in construction, mining, software’s and electronics sectors”. Women in developing countries can escape poverty and improve their country’s economic situation by entering male-dominated sectors; thereby changing the mentality of financial lenders and offering new opportunities for women to learn, develop and grow entrepreneurial businesses.

Women entering male dominated sectors

Women’s enterprises perform better in male-dominated sectors than in traditional female sectors. Crossover companies statistically have higher profits, and are much larger according to the number of employees. Research shows that supporting female entrepreneurs to enter male-dominated sectors is associated with significant business growth . Other than leadership, women’s representation in male-dominated industries and roles has greatly increased. The start of 1978, there are more women who have entered the STEM sector than ever before. According to, industries with the highest rate of change among women leadership and their top skills are: Software and IT services (+27%) with top skills in, business development, project management and strategy. Manufacturing (+26%) with top skills in, customer services, Microsoft office, strategic planning. And this study shows what are the different trends that are taking place in the workforce.

For example, Merhawit Hailemariam , a 26 year old journalist, from Ethiopia who is today working as an electrician, switched professions when she learned that she could earn more profit as an electrician. She now would like to get a degree in construction technology and management. Merhawit stated that “ Working as an entrepreneur is much better than being an employee of an organization and there are a lot of opportunities for women in the construction sector, since few women work in that field.”- its shown in research that in Ethiopia, women who crossover to predominantly male sectors earn on average double profits.

This is just one example among 5,000 women in Ethiopia who receive entrepreneurship training under the project “ World Bank-financed Women’s Entrepreneurship Development Project in Ethiopia” (Merhawit 2015).

Updated: Feb 26, 2024
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Women Entrepreneurs In The Economy. (2024, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/women-entrepreneurs-in-the-economy-essay

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