Windows of Reflection: Symbolism in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

Categories: Frankenstein

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a cornerstone of Gothic literature, employs a rich tapestry of symbolic motifs to convey profound themes. Among these, the moon, eyes, and fire recur as essential elements contributing to the novel's intricate narrative. Surprisingly, windows, though less frequently acknowledged, emerge as a potent symbol, strategically placed in pivotal scenes that deepen the reader's understanding. This essay embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the symbolic role of windows, unraveling their nuanced significance in the complex relationship between Victor Frankenstein and his creature.

1. Windows as Physical Barriers

The motif of windows establishes itself as a powerful literary device, creating a tangible and metaphorical barrier between Victor Frankenstein and his creation. The initial encounter between Victor and the creature unfolds in a moment charged with horror and dread:

"I started from my sleep with horror; a cold dew covered my forehead, my teeth chattered, and every limb became convulsed; when, by the dim and yellow light of the moon, as it forced its way through the window shutters, I beheld the wretch.

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.." (Shelley, 57).

The creature's ingress through the window denies Victor direct visual contact, amplifying the horror of the moment. Subsequent instances where Victor glimpses the creature through a window underscore the symbolic importance of this physical separation. The window becomes a cinematic frame, heightening the tension between creator and creation, leaving an indelible imprint on the reader's imagination.

As we traverse the novel, the motif of windows strategically placed in significant scenes becomes a thread that weaves through the narrative, contributing to the overarching symbolism.

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The persistent presence of windows serves not only to emphasize physical barriers but also to foreshadow the psychological barriers that Victor and the creature grapple with in their tumultuous relationship.

Shelley's deliberate use of windows as a tool for introspection adds layers to the psychological depth of the characters. The reflective quality of windows serves as a metaphor for the characters' internal struggles and the complex interplay of identity. The reader is invited to ponder the notion that, through these windows, Victor and his creature not only observe each other but also confront the reflection of their own souls.

2. Reflections and Shared Identities

Examining the narrative closely reveals a unique perspective framed by windows—Victor's ability to see a reflection of himself superimposed upon the creature. While Shelley doesn't explicitly state this reflection, contextual clues suggest its presence:

"I trembled and my heart failed within me, when, on looking up, I saw by the light of the moon the demon at the casement" (Shelley, 159).

This nuanced perspective accentuates the inherent similarities between Frankenstein and his creation. The metaphorical reversal of 'the windows are the eyes to the soul' becomes apparent as Victor gazes at the creature through the window. In this profound exploration, the window becomes a threshold not only to physical observation but also to self-reflection, transcending the boundary between the tangible and the metaphysical.

As the narrative unfolds, Shelley's use of windows deepens, revealing a more intricate interplay of symbolism. The reflection in the window serves as a mirror, forcing Victor to confront the consequences of his actions and the shared humanity between himself and the creature. The window becomes a liminal space, blurring the lines between creator and creation, pushing the boundaries of identity and morality.

3. Observers in a World Apart

The motif of windows in Frankenstein transcends its physical role, becoming a metaphor for the characters' inclination to observe rather than actively participate in the world. The creature, while dwelling in the woods, utilizes a window to discreetly observe the De Lacey family, gaining profound insights into humanity:

"Through which the eye could just penetrate" (Shelley, 103).

Similarly, Victor, captivated by the magnificence of nature at Chamounix, chooses to remain an observer, watching "the pallid lightnings that played above Mont Blanc" from the comfort of a window (Shelley, 90-91). This shared preference for observation over participation becomes a recurring motif, underlining the characters' detachment from the world they inhabit.

The motif of windows as a tool for observation delves into the characters' inherent isolation. Whether it is Victor's contemplation of nature or the creature's clandestine observations of human life, the window becomes a symbolic boundary that separates them from active engagement with the world. Shelley's deliberate use of this motif underscores the characters' estrangement and their struggle to connect with a society that perceives them as aberrations.

Furthermore, the creature's unconventional use of windows as a means of entry reinforces his outsider status. While he could easily use doors, his consistent choice of windows becomes symbolic. The novel's poignant conclusion, where the creature leaps out of a window, leaving Victor's dead body behind, encapsulates the enduring theme of isolation:

"He sprang from the cabin window... borne away by the waves and lost in darkness and distance" (Shelley, 211).

Shelley's consistent use of windows throughout the narrative reinforces the creature's perpetual isolation from societal norms, leaving readers with a profound understanding of its significance. The window, in this context, becomes a metaphorical exit, a poignant symbol of the creature's rejection of societal norms and his final departure from the narrative.

4. A Symbolic Tapestry Unraveled

In conclusion, Mary Shelley masterfully employs windows as a symbolic tool in Frankenstein, providing readers with a nuanced exploration of the intricate relationship between Victor Frankenstein and his creature. Windows transcend their physical presence, becoming portals to self-reflection, shared identities, and the characters' perpetual observation of a world from which they remain detached.

As we navigate the labyrinth of symbolism within the novel, the window emerges as a complex and multifaceted motif, weaving together the threads of physical separation, reflective introspection, and a shared inclination towards observation. Shelley's meticulous use of this symbol adds layers of depth to the narrative, transforming it into a profound exploration of the human psyche and the consequences of playing god.

Frankenstein, through the lens of windows, becomes a rich tapestry of symbols, each thread contributing to the larger narrative in intricate and meaningful ways. In a literary landscape dominated by Gothic elements, Shelley's choice to elevate windows to a symbolic status exemplifies her narrative prowess and ability to infuse every aspect of her work with profound meaning.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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Windows of Reflection: Symbolism in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. (2017, Feb 10). Retrieved from

Windows of Reflection: Symbolism in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein essay
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