Why I'm Against the Death Penalty

Categories: Justice And Fairness

Executing a person who has been convicted of a serious crime, like murder, even though that person could simply be held in captivity indefinitely and possibly put to good use rather than put to death. The death penalty has remained a well-known topic of discussion in today’s society. It goes all the way back to the late 1700’s and has been claimed to take over 2000 lives. Some believe the death penalty is a good way to execute the inmate instead of facing jail time because they believe that the inmate will one day have a chance to get out and repeat the same crime they’ve had committed before.

Killing them will not really be a punishment, it will be more a free way to not even go through any more problems in your life and not facing the consequences as they should.

Locking the prisoner up in a cell for 24 hours a day and no contact in the outside world for the rest of their life is a real punishment.

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I feel as if they should be alive and suffer through the whole time they are incarcerated. They would feel pure misery having to wake up every day in a jail cell just waiting for the next hour and the next day, they will truly feel at their lowest and feel nothing but emptiness. The death penalty is also hypocritical because why would the system want to try to kill people when there is already saying that murder is wrong and we shall not kill other people, so why would the system try to kill another human being.

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Some people use the death penalty to get back revenge to the person who has caused harm to a family or a friend. So, in that case if they feel the need to kill the murderer back due to anger and pain then they are just as guilty as the murderer. By the family or friend agreeing to kill the murderer them themselves will also become the murderess. They will say murder is wrong, but they are also doing it someone else. If the murderer kills 2 young girls and the parents of the 2 girls decide to try to use the death penalty against the murderer it will not be such a smart idea knowing that even if he killed the 2 girls there is no was that by killing the murderer the 2 girls will come back.

Even if the inmate has committed a grand crime you still have to look past that and know that they are someone’s daughter or son. The policy should be illegal. A good way to make the inmate suffer would be life in jail without parole. As I said before it will be more of a short cut for escaping jail time and not owning up to what they have done. Nobody would like to be waking up in a jail cell 24/7 having to see the same walls, showers and floors.

The inmate will be in a small cell seeing the time go by super slow and they will start to feel the emotions of being hopeless and eventually they will start to lose their minds in there. Being unable to see your family again or even just getting to see a tree again should just be the worst feeling any human being should feel. By giving a murderer the death penalty, it will not resolve closure to the victim’s family. The victim’s family might think just because the murderer is going to get the death penalty it will make them feel as if they have closure for the 2 girls the murderer killed but that is very untrue.

So many families of innocent people who have died by the hands of another person of course will feel a lot of hate and anger towards the person and will eventually want to harm the murderer as well but even if it came down to the murderer being executed nothing will change. So do the people really think just by killing the person who killed someone in their family will make a difference and think it will close a hole that they are missing, well they are wrong. Capital punishment does not heal the victims and justice is not really done for the victim’s family. To take a life when a life has been taken, that's revenge not justice.

Work Cited

  1. Cheng, J. (2018). Ethnographic Advocacy Against the Death Penalty. Anthropology and Humanism, (1), 21. https://doi-org.db16.linccweb.org/10.1111/anhu.12193. Accessed 27 Sept. 2019
  2. A K Dasgupta. (2010). Against the Death Penalty. Economic and Political Weekly , 45(24), 4. Retrieved from http://db16.linccweb.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=edsjsr&AN=edsjsr.40738475&site=eds-live
Updated: Jan 24, 2024
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Why I'm Against the Death Penalty. (2024, Jan 24). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-im-against-the-death-penalty-essay

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