Why I Aim to Become a Successful Lawyer

Categories: Success

Studying A level Law has given me an opportunity to experience Law as a specific subject and helped deepen my interest in the area, which has developed into a desire to study Law further.

I believe that without Law, there would be no structure in society. Nothing to guide people. This is because Law is the groundwork for society, both in the past and the present. Law has a big impact on everyone’s lives and I would love to be a part of something that is this influential.

One day, I aim to become a successful lawyer; I appreciate that this can and will be a difficult and challenging journey, however I believe that I hold the determination needed and have the ambitious attitude required to take me through this path alongside the Law degree that will provide me with the chance of fulfilling my dream.

Law itself is and has been a very enjoyable subject to study at A-level.

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It is consistently intriguing - as a class, we carry out a variety of activities, such as group presentations, mock trials and assessments, all of which I have approached with dedication and enthusiasm.

We cover a broad range of cases, one of my personal favourites being the James Bulger case. Most of which are fascinating to read about and always catch my interest. We also cover a collection of topics, such as Tort Law, Criminal Law, Human Rights Law and more. I feel that A-Level Law has supported me in developing key skills such as problem solving skills and group work.

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Furthermore, I study Psychology and Religious Studies. From these subjects, I believe that they have made me a more inquisitive and analytical person, as they both require in-depth thinking and applications of both your own and other people’s thoughts and opinions. This type of thinking would be useful in a Law degree since Law isn’t all objective and also has a subjective element in specific situations and cases.

I believe that my Psychology A-Level has helped me in observing individual people’s actions and how their opinions and memories are influenced by external factors. This area of work depends on confidence which I believe I acquire and can be used to my advantage in order to gain recognition in this competitive field of work.

Through my Religious Studies A-Level, I have become a more open minded and understanding person and it has helped me to consider the ethics and morals in all types of situations, which I feel can be extremely useful in this line of work.

Alongside having a part time job during my years at school and sixth form I have also committed myself to some volunteer work through the National Citizenship Service and the Essex Police Cadets. Being a cadet for 7 months, my peers and I helped the public in a variety of ways. During the upcoming weeks to Halloween 2017 we informed people about burglaries, which become more common towards the end of October. We also carried out a parade with other cadets in respect of Remembrance Day and the soldiers who lost their lives during the First World War. My time with the Police Cadets gave me an insight into Human Rights laws and police powers, which has also helped establish an interest in Law.

During July through August 2017, I participated in the National Citizenship Service, where I carried out volunteer work with my group. We worked alongside the Mind organisation to create several videos to reach out to the public about mental health, and helped create a safer and pleasingly aesthetic environment for the elderly at the Braintree Retirement Home.

In addition to this, I also participated in a small project during December 2015 which was ran by the Essex Boys and Girls club in Chelmsford. My group and I went hiking in the Lake District for a week where I didn’t just witness astounding views from mountain peaks, but also learnt a lot about staying determined through tough and challenging conditions. I feel that I could apply the skills I acquired throughout this project towards the challenge of degree level Law and the future it holds for me.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Why I Aim to Become a Successful Lawyer. (2024, Feb 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/why-i-aim-to-become-a-successful-lawyer-essay

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