“What, of this goldfish, Would You Wish?’ by Etgar Keret

Categories: Short Story

The short story “What, of this goldfish, Would You Wish?’ is an emotive short story written by Etgar Keret. In this story he uses the Archetype of the innocent youth being Yonatan an ambitious young documenter, who has a bombastic idea for a documentary that he decides to solely execute by himself. Yoni with his one-man film crew travels from house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood, asking the same question to a diverse selection of people. Yonaton would ask them a simple question: “If you found a talking goldfish that granted you three wishes, what would you wish for?”.

Yonatan is determined and makes unafraid travels to unsafe areas to get the full extent of responses from more than just one type of person. This is where the hostile Sergei Goralick is found.

This man completely contrasts Yoni's high-energy character. He is a paranoid and lonely character, who isolates himself completely from social activities. Sergei then faces more than one challenge as he encounters Yonatan.

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From his fear of people, he automatically morphs Yonatan’s innocent intentions into an assumption that he is there to cause Sergei harm by taking the only thing that provides him with some companionship, his only comfort from his fear of loneliness. Sergei’s paranoia is his main attribute that forms his other traits and persona. It leads to his hostility and a wish to protect himself because of his belief that no one would want to create any sort of relationship with him without an ulterior motive.

Updated: Jan 27, 2023
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“What, of this goldfish, Would You Wish?’ by Etgar Keret. (2016, Sep 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-of-this-goldfish-would-you-wish-by-etgar-keret-essay

“What, of this goldfish, Would You Wish?’ by Etgar Keret essay
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