What is Traditional Advertising?

Advertisements are such a great way to promote a certain product or business to attract customers. Moreover, there are also different types of advertisements that can be used in promoting a business, including traditional advertising and online advertising. This study focuses on traditional advertising.

Traditional advertising is a way of promoting a business through the use of printed materials such as fliers, newspapers, magazines, and also with the use of radio, television, telemarketing, and other offline advertising. In addition, traditional advertising drop only under four classifications which are print, broadcast, direct mail, and telemarketing.

Among these traditional way of advertising, print advertising is considered the oldest form of traditional advertising. Broadcast advertising consists television, and radio advertisements. Direct mail advertising uses printed materials like brochures, letters, and fliers furthermore, these are transmitted through postal mail to encourage consumers/customers to purchase while telemarketing uses phone to send sales messages to persuade consumers to purchase a product. On the other hand, online advertising is a way of promoting business with the use of the internet and through social media.

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According to Theory of Planned Behavior, a person's real behavior in making an action is directly changed by his/her behavioral purpose and in turn, accordingly determined by his/her attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral controls toward performing the behavior(Ajzen, 1991). Consumers behavior can be classified as the decisions and actions that affect the purchasing behavior as well. Some factors that affect consumers' behavior are product quality, products features, cost of the product, brand reputation and most importantly the advertisement.

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According to Katz (2008), traditional advertising has a more visually appealing and considered as more admirable aspect. In addition, Blakeman (2014) stated that magazines considered the longest life span of any traditional form of advertising. Therefore, traditional advertisement is considered an effective advertisement on promoting a product or service that will encourage customer or consumer to purchase. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of Traditional Advertisement on Consumers' Behavior or to determine the impact or changes on consumers' behavior.

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

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What is Traditional Advertising?. (2020, May 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-is-traditional-advertising-essay

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