Organizational Change: Calm Waters to White Water Rapids

Categories: Metaphor


Traditionally, the metaphor of calm waters has been the prevailing perspective in understanding and managing change within organizations. Kurt Lewin's influential three-step model served as a cornerstone in this approach, emphasizing the necessity to unfreeze the existing equilibrium, introduce the change, and refreeze to establish a new and lasting equilibrium. However, as organizational environments have become more dynamic and uncertain, the calm waters metaphor has proven increasingly inadequate in capturing the complexity of contemporary challenges. This essay explores the evolution from the calm waters metaphor to the white water rapids metaphor, acknowledging the need for a more nuanced understanding of organizational change.

The Calm Waters Metaphor and Lewin's Model

The calm waters metaphor presents the organization as a large ship navigating through serene seas, occasionally disrupted by storms—a temporary distraction in an otherwise predictable journey.

Kurt Lewin's three-step model serves as an illustrative framework for managing change in calm waters. This model involves unfreezing the existing equilibrium, introducing the desired change, and refreezing to solidify the new state.

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The equilibrium state, or status quo, is akin to the ship's steady course through calm waters. Unfreezing becomes the preparatory phase, adjusting the driving forces pushing for change and restraining forces resisting it, akin to adjusting the ship's course or sails to navigate through the storm. Once unfreezing is achieved, the change is implemented, and the organization moves into the turbulent waters of transition. However, introducing change alone does not ensure its permanence; hence, the need for refreezing. This final step aims to stabilize the new situation, making it resistant to reverting to the previous equilibrium state.

The White Water Rapids Metaphor

The limitations of the calm waters metaphor become apparent when confronted with the volatile and unpredictable nature of modern organizational environments.

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The white water rapids metaphor offers a more fitting representation, acknowledging the constant turbulence and uncertainty that managers face in today's rapidly changing landscape. Imagine managing change in an educational setting where courses vary unpredictably in length, class durations fluctuate, and exams are unannounced. The white water rapids metaphor captures the essence of a dynamic and ever-changing environment, demanding constant adaptability and quick responses from organizational leaders.

Adapting to the White Water Rapids

Many contemporary managers find themselves navigating through an environment where stability and predictability are rare commodities. Taking General Motors as an example, the automotive industry exemplifies the fierce competition and multifaceted challenges organizations encounter. From shifting consumer preferences to environmental concerns and regulatory demands, companies like General Motors must continually adapt, change, and innovate to survive. The white water rapids metaphor encapsulates the reality of a dynamic business landscape where managers are compelled to play a game with rules evolving as the game progresses. In this context, success requires not only strategic planning but also the agility to navigate unforeseen challenges.

Modern managers are akin to students in the ever-changing educational setting described earlier. The traditional stability of calm waters is replaced by the continuous twists and turns of rapids. Organizations must cultivate flexibility and an entrepreneurial mindset to thrive in an environment where change is the only constant. The ability to quickly respond to shifting circumstances becomes a crucial skill, ensuring that the organization can maneuver through the rapids without succumbing to the turbulence.


In conclusion, the shift from the calm waters metaphor to the white water rapids metaphor signifies a paradigmatic change in our understanding of organizational change. The traditional view of occasional disruptions has given way to a reality where change is constant, akin to navigating turbulent rapids. Modern managers must embrace flexibility, adaptability, and the ability to respond quickly to an ever-changing environment. The white water rapids metaphor provides a more accurate representation of the challenges managers face today, where stability is a rare commodity, and success requires continuous adaptation and innovation.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Organizational Change: Calm Waters to White Water Rapids. (2016, Mar 25). Retrieved from

Organizational Change: Calm Waters to White Water Rapids essay
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