What is Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis?

Answer the following questions:

Cellular respiration:

  • What is cellular respiration and what are its three stages?

Cellular respiration is a way cells store food and energy, a catabolic pathway for the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The cellular respiration happens in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The three stages are Glycolysis, Citric cycle, and electron transport.

  • What is the role of glycolysis? Include the reactants and the products.
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    Where does it occur?

Glycolysis splits the sugar that goes in to the cell.

Then in converts in to energy the cell need. It does not need oxygen to occur.

  • What is the role of the citric acid cycle? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?

Citric acid occurs after glycolysis process, high energy electrons are produced. It occurs only when oxygen is present but does not always use it.

  • What is the role of the electron transport system? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?

Electron transportation system requires oxygen.

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It’s a series of electrons carriers in the membrane of the mitochondria.


  • What is the overall goal of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is a process whereby plants, algae and bacteria convert light energy in to chemical energy, using carbon dioxide and water.

  • Because photosynthesis only occurs in plants, why is it essential to animal life?

Photosynthesis is important for animals because the plants produce the sugar they need as a vital nutrient for the animals.

  • What is the role of the light reactions? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?

The reactants of light-dependent reactions in photosynthesis are H20 (water), ADP, and NADP+. The products of light-dependent pathways of photosynthesis are Oxygen, ATP, and NADPH. The reactants of light-independent reactions are ATP, NADPH, and Carbon Dioxide. The main purpose of the light independent reaction is to produce glucose. Rate This Answer

What is the role of the Calvin cycle? Include the reactants and the products. Where does it occur?


  • Explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are linked within ecosystems.

The link between photosynthesis and cellular respiration is an inverse relationship; both are opposites of each other. Photosynthesis is the process by which carbon dioxide is converted into organic compounds from sunlight. The most frequent compound is sugar.

  • Visit the NASA website (http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs/) and research global temperature changes. How has global warming affected overall temperatures? What effects do cellular respiration and photosynthesis have on global warming?


  1. http://www.biolib.cz/en/main
  2. UnversityofPhoenix(2011)Photosentisys.p109
Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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What is Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis?. (2017, Jan 19). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-is-cellular-respiration-and-photosynthesis-essay

What is Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis? essay
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