Growing up I had dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up.

As I got older my dreams changed to new things, I never stuck to one thing for too long. I soon realized that one day I would have to pick one thing and actually pursue it. There are many things I would like to do but to this day I still cannot pick one. When I was younger I wanted to be many things “when I grew up. ” I wanted to be a dancer, a teacher, a gymnast, a professional sports player, a singer, anything you could think of I wanted to be it.

And I actually pretended to be all of these things. Some still interest me and others I’ve grown out of. I’ve always loved trying new things and finding what I’m good at and discovering the things I’m bad at. The things I found I was bad at I would try and try to be better at them.

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As I got older I knew one day I would have to pick something that interested me enough that I would actually enjoy sticking with and studying.

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Prof. Dennis PhD
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Proficient in: Dreams And Aspirations

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I still have many interests and things I would like to pursue in college but I still have no idea which one to make my major. I have taken a variety of classes in the past four years to help me figure this out but the more classes I take, the harder the decision becomes.

Many people know what they want to study in college and have known for a while by now.

People tell me all the time that I don’t need to know what my major is to go to college, but seeing all my classmates already knowing makes it even more stressful.

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This has been the hardest decision to make because I know whatever I chose will affect rest of my life. Eventually, I know I will be able to make this huge decision but as of right now I can’t pick. I know this decision is very important but I have so many interests that I don’t know what to do with. My dreams may still change but one day, soon, I will have the answer.


Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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