What I Love About Christmas?

Categories: Christmas

Christmas is really a special time of the year for everybody but it is most special for the children. Children with their foggy, innocent outlook on the magical occasion that happens only once a year.

I recall my childhood Christmases quite fondly. Maybe because as time passed and I matured, the magic of Christmas changed for me. From a child who thought of Christmas as my own special day to be spoiled, I have come to realize that Christmas is a lot more than just gift giving and eating special holiday food.

As a child, I did not really have a concrete grasp of Christmas being a special occasion that comes only once a year. My earliest childhood recollection of this holiday was of sitting by the steps of our house watching the cold breath coming out of my mouth as I learned to sing Christmas carols with my mom and dad. I remember, there was one very special Christmas eve when I was little, my mom and dad had just agreed to go Christmas caroling with some neighbors and as we went from house to house, the snow began to fall.

As the night weather grew colder, the families at whose homes we stopped to sing would invite us in for some hot cocoa with marshmallow bits.

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I also remember that because I was just a little kid who was singing, in what I now realize was a very off key voice, I would get some Christmas treats from the families as well.

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At one house it was a Gingerbread cookie man, the others gave me candy cane, and some just told me to dunk my hand into the candy bowl and get my fill of sweets. Obviously, this was what I loved about Christmas as a child.

Later on, Christmas became all about the toys for me. I had learned about the mythology of Santa Claus from my mom and I remember that we sat down one night with a pen and paper in hand and she helped me write my letter to Santa because I did not really know how to read or write yet but I wanted to make sure that Santa would know exactly what kind of toys I wanted and that I was a good little child that year so I really hoped he had me on his nice list of children. I remember that I could not fall asleep that Christmas Eve because I really wanted to stay up and meet Santa face to face.

Although I had seen Santa’s at the department stores and in the streets during that holiday season, I believed my mom when she said that those Santa’s were only the real Santa’s helpers because he only came out once a night on Christmas Eve to deliver the gifts. I refused to believe that Santa would not come to our house until I was asleep so even after mom and dad had gone up to their rooms for the night, I lay down on the couch ready with Santa’s milk and cookies. I never did stay up long enough to see Santa arrive. Then that morning, I had woken up to my mom’s voice while she tried to nudge me out of my slumber.

I did not even realize that I was in my own bed that morning and not on the sofa because I was too excited about the prospect of getting all the toys that I had listed down for Santa. Never mind that I did not get to meet him, he got all the toys on my list and then some. I wanted to thank Santa so much for my toys that when I saw a Santa standing outside our church that morning, I stopped by to ask him to tell the real Santa that I was so happy with my gifts and I hoped he would still have me on his nice list next year and I would get even more toys. As time went by though, Christmas began to change in meaning for me.

It slowly evolved into a family affair where I was able to help mom and dad decorate the house for the holidays. I remember that mom always tried to make one new hand crafted Christmas decoration every year. When I became old enough to handle a glue gun, I joined her in her little holiday project and have not stopped since. The Christmas tree decorations we have now all carry a memory for me that is so special that if the decoration were to break, it would take a lot of memories along with it. Mom also taught me how to help her around the kitchen because we usually hosted a family reunion for Christmas lunch and dinner.

This was the one time a year when all my cousins would swarm into our house and we could spend the rest of the day just enjoying each others company and bonding over some toy assembly project for our younger relatives. During the past Christmases though, dad has taken to outlining our house in Christmas lights. I help him with this project whenever I can. He knows how artistic I am so he allows me to help him design the lighting concept for our house. It is nothing fancy, it is not even a project that takes a lot of money to accomplish but I enjoy helping my dad out because it gives us time to spend together during the week-ends.

After we decorate the house with lights, dad would take out the driveway decorations from the attic and we would set it up in such a way that the old decorations would have a new concept when displayed. I remember that we joined the community Christmas house decoration contest one year. Too bad we did not win the prize. I still say we were the big winners though because the whole family was involved in the project and we had a blast participating in it. So, what is it exactly about Christmas that I love so much? I cannot really say it is just one single thing.

I love Christmas because of all the things I have experienced in life that directly relate to this special day. I have learned that it is more than just about material things. Christmas is all about family. How we spend that one magical season with them every year and making each of those Christmases memorable and extra special even if the gifts are not as fancy as we used to get. I have come to realize that Christmas is all about family and the love and care that we share with each other even if we can only get together with our other family members once a year.

Updated: Aug 10, 2021
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