What are the Different Types of Parenting Approach?

Categories: Parenting

All parents are not the same as children. Every person has a different approach for each activity. Thus parenting approaches are also of a different kind. Today, We will discuss the types of approaches that parents adopt to nurturing their children. Positive Parenting Approach: When we are talking about the powerful parenting then the name positive parenting comes. It is all about the power of a positive attitude which grows beautifully with unconditional love and affection. The perfect parents approach this parenting type, for this their deep presence and attention for their children is required.

Parents give space to their children as well as support them in their decision making. Children also show respect and dignity for their parents. Ultimately positive parenting creates a disciplined environment in the parent-child relationship. This parenting approach brings out the best in children by cultivating the talents and abilities that they already have and empowering them and building high self-esteem in them. Emotional or Intuitive Parenting Approach: This is also known as the attachment parenting approach.

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It works on the logic that reads your child rather than reading any other book. The parents who are emotionally attached to their children basically adopt this parenting style. It strengthens the emotional bond between a mother and her child.

The more you are closer to your child fulfill his/her physical and emotional needs, the more quickly you will be able to read your child. The unconditional love of parents creates the trust level and helps in healthy child development.

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Religious or Spiritual Parenting Approach: Let your child do what he/she wants to do is the approach of this parenting. Spiritual parenting is not about worshipping the specific God or focused on any particular religion, but it is about full acceptance. This parenting is rooted in modern teachings and is about respecting each child’s individuality, to develop his/her own beliefs. The unique personality and potential in children raise highly aware and conscious children. For this approach parents, themselves have to be role model in their children’s life.

Nurturant Parenting Approach: It is also known as slow parenting. It does not mean that parents are very slow in doing things for their children. But on the other sense doing qualitative rather than quantitative things. Create meaningful connections with your kids and being present for them in every situation. Nurturing good habits in them and do not focus on results and competition but focus on their life as a process or journey. Allow your child to take risks to know themselves their strengths and weaknesses. Let them be creative and use their mind to grow them better and make their own decisions.

Conscious or Unconditional Parenting Approach: It is based on the principle of unconditional love. It means controlling your kids with the strategy and that is called a weapon of love and affection. Praise your child for their good behavior and feel them accepted. In this way the child learned good behavior leads to attention and unconditional love.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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What are the Different Types of Parenting Approach?. (2020, May 17). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/what-are-the-different-types-of-parenting-approach-essay

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