Ways Of Raising A Home Loan

Categories: Christian Fiction

Before you begin looking for a mortgage, become familiar with the different types of loans, rates and terminology. Read the local newspaper’s real estate section and browse online mortgage broker sites that offer information about loans. Make a list of any questions you might have about the information you find. Prepare a monthly budget and determine what mortgage payment you can comfortably afford. This will become your benchmark.


The most important step you can take in the mortgage process is to find the right lender and loan officer.

It is the loan officer's job to shepherd you and your loan file smoothly through to loan approval. He should be knowledgeable, experienced, responsive and prompt, as well as willing to take the time to answer questions, explain the loan process, programs and terms. Personal recommendations from friends, colleagues, family and real estate professionals can help narrow down some choices. Make appointments with several loan officers.


Prepare for your appointments by making copies of your essential paperwork for each lender.

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You will need your Social Security number and driver’s license, the past two years of W-2s and one month’s pay stubs to verify income. If you are self-employed, you will need tax returns for the past two years. You will also need the past three months’ bank statements and statements for any accounts that hold your down payment money. In addition, bring a copy of any credit account or loan statements you pay on a monthly basis, and court-ordered payments such as alimony or child support.

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The loan officer will also pull a credit report on you.


The loan officer will take all of this information and determine what kind of loan you are pre-qualified for based on the information she has on hand. A Good Faith Estimate and Truth in Lending statement are generated detailing the terms of the loan and the closing costs. This is the document you will use to compare loan offers. They should be fairly close, so go with the best deal from the loan officer you can work with the best.

Updated: Dec 23, 2021
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Ways Of Raising A Home Loan. (2016, Sep 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/ways-of-raising-a-home-loan-essay

Ways Of Raising A Home Loan essay
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