Was Germany Responsible for Causing WW1

Categories: EuropeItalyWw1

To what degree can conflict really terminate?

Germany did not bear the complete and absolute burden imposed on them by the Versailles Treaty, but they had been actively planning a conflict with France for the purpose of gaining territory for a number of years and they definitely shared the greater part of the responsibility. Germany did, however, start as a dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Germany tried to prevent it from becoming a more widespread conflict by urging France and Russia not to support Serbia.

Germany ignored the warnings and a series of agreements that made it possible for different countries to support other countries in the event of war.

Yes, Germany was responsible for causing World War I because of the blank check signed on June 6, 1914, which authorized Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia with German help. They even forced Austria into war, so they and their allies didn't look weak.

Italy was the first Axis ally to give up: it collapsed to the Allies on September 8, 1943, six weeks after the resignation of the fascist leader and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini by the Italian Fascist Party.

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If Germany didn’t start the war, then why did we blame them for the cause of WWI?

This indicates the allied forces were so furious, that they decided to blame Germany for starting WWI. Yet Germany is the worst country in World War I, the Allies blamed Germany for starting the war. This started with hatred, and it still exists within some nations.

My Opinion

I am shocked by the idea that WWI conflict still affects some nations.

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This is very shocking for me, since 102 years ago the war had ended.

Why are there still conflict in the middle east?

The Middle east split up by the Sykes Picot. It is because of this that many wars have ended. In this regard, political leaders need to do something. They spoke of political options but some of them might be equally problematic. The reconfiguration of either Iraq or Syria into new entities could be as complex as the current conflicts, and possibly as costly. Pakistan, Yugoslavia, and the breakup of Sudan caused major migrations, ethnic cleansing waves, and conflicting resource and territorial claims, which in turn triggered brand new conflicts, even unresolved many years later.

WW1 Caused WW2?

Italy was the first Axis ally to give up: it collapsed to the Allies on 8 September 1943, six weeks after the resignation of the fascist leader and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini by the Italian Fascist Party leaders.

The London Treaty promised land to Italy after WWI, but after WWI, Italy hadn't gained no property from the treaty. Italy had been angry because of that. The hatred built up and caused outrage on Benito Mussolini, which helped spark the First World War. Benito Mussolini had dedicated himself to restoring Italy and recreating the Roman Empire. It's clear that the Versailles Treaty caused more problems than it actually resolved.

Current Strong Economies

Some countries currently in Europe have great economies, both ally powers and axis powers.

Surprisingly, despite WWII Germany has the best economy in Europe. Germany is the largest economy in Europe, responsible for 28% of the continent's GDP. In 2017, the country reported $3.67 trillion in GDP, backed by its low unemployment rate, low crime, developed infrastructure and skilled labor force. The country's economy, like tourism and banking sectors, is mainly driven by its service sector.

France was one of WW1's Allied Powers. Following WWI and WWII, France is one of Europe's largest economies, producing $2.57 trillion in GDP in 2017. The country has a very high level of science graduates per thousand European workers. Engineering companies like Airbus, have their headquarters in France.


In conclusion, the conflicts of WWI vary. In some parts of the world, such as the Middle East, still have conflict.

Updated: Sep 06, 2022
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Was Germany Responsible for Causing WW1. (2022, Sep 06). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/was-germany-responsible-for-causing-ww1-essay

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