Use of something familiar

Categories: Metaphor

A metaphor is the use of something familiar to understand something less familiar. For instance, if a news report says "unemployment went down this month," the familiar feeling of "going down" helps everyone to understand that the number of people looking for work has reduced. Metaphors are more common than many people think. If you look up the origin of almost any word in the dictionary, you will find a metaphor if you go back far enough. Some psychologists suggest that all of our thinking comes from metaphors, based on how our senses allow us to perceive everyday experiences.

In this activity, you will use what you have learned about perception and the embodied mind to make discoveries about how you think. Please answer in complete sentences. Part 1

1. Which of your everyday physical experiences tell you that this hand isn’t actually holding a cloud? How did you learn that clouds are too far away to touch? (5 points)

I know the hand is not holding the cloud in the image because in reality you cannot hold a cloud in your hand.

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I learned that clouds are too far away to hold by reaching my hands out to the sky and not being able to touch the sky.

2. What is the principle of perception that supports the idea that your brain expects that the puff of white between the fingers is a cloud; that is much farther away than the hand? (5 points)

The principle perception that supports the idea in my brain is figure and ground.

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3. Imagine that you are in the scene shown here. You are on a beach, looking out. In the two-track mind model, what are two examples of what the brain is doing on the unconscious level, and what are two examples of what the brain is doing on the conscious level? (10 points)

My conscious level lets me feel the wind on the beach and it lets me feel the sand go in between my toes as I walk on the beach. My unconscious level
lets me walk on the beach without me thinking of having to walk and it lets me hear the sound of the waves without me having to think what kind of sound it is or where it is coming from. Part 2

1. Think of the concept of leadership.
a. What picture comes to your mind when you think, “leadership"? (3 points)

When I think of leadership I see a person leading a group of people.

b. What past experiences have you had that make you think of this? (3 points)

A past experience I have had of leadership was when I went hiking with a group of people and was led by one person who knew the trail well.

c. How did perceptional set and your two-track mind contribute to these experiences? (4 points) My conscious level let me see my surroundings and it helped my see where the leader was guiding us through. My unconscious level helped me recognize the leaders voice when he spoke without me trying to figure out who was the person talking. My perceptional set let me tell what nature and all of its colors looked like.

2. Think of the concept of unjust.
a. What picture comes to your mind when you think, "unjust"? (3 points)

I think of Arabs when I hear the word unjust.

b. What past experiences have you had that make you think of this? (3 points)

I have not had any physical past experiences that made me think of Arabs. The reason why I think of them when I hear the word unjust is because of 9/11. Due to the terrorist of 9/11 a lot of people believe that all Arabs are bad and are terrorist which is unjust. c. How did your perceptual set and two-track mind contribute to these experiences? (4 points)

They contributed in helping me see people treat Arabs an unjust way.

3. Think of any concept you have learned about from experience, one where you remember a particular event in your life that helped you learn what this concept meant. Alienation
a. What picture comes to your mind when you think of that concept? (3 points) A person sitting alone comes to my head when I hear the word alienation. b. What past experiences have you had that give you this picture? (3 points) I have been to certain events where I have felt alienated due to not knowing anyone at these events. c. How did your perceptual set and two-track mind contribute to these experiences? (4 points) They contributed by letting me feel and think at these events that I have experienced.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Use of something familiar essay
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