Two Women in "Half the Sky"

Categories: Half the Sky

In the book Half the Sky written by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, the two authors convey the conflict women face with true stories. These stories expose the readers to the raw reality of the violence women face worldwide. In many developing countries women are oppressed, controlled by men, and unable to express their ideas, thoughts, and at times even emotions. Even throughout history it was made clear that men are superior to women, stereotyping women as weak and fragile.

However in this book breaks that stereotype, the women in this book have walked through hell on earth yet came out stronger than ever imagined. Two women who stood out for truly embodying strength are Sakena Yacoobi and Goretti Nyabenda.

Sakena Yacoobi was from Afganastand, she was horirbly rapped by a man she didn’t know. Not knowing her rapist caused a more emotionally damaging experience. Instead of allowing this to consumer her she focused on her study, throughout time she understood the importance of education more importantly educating people so that sextual harrasment wouldnt be as common.

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She continued to live her life to the fullest by attending the University of Pacific in Stockton, with her new found knowledge she brought 13 members of her family to the U.S.

After finishing school she returned to Pakistan in order to to help her people through education and overall offering health, she did this by helping a refugee camp. Her road to success was not always easy however she pushed through and continues to fight, “It wasn't easy, and it was very risky.

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I negotiated that if people supplied houses and protected the schools and the students, then we would pay the teachers and provide supplies. So we had thirty-either hundred students in underground school. We had rules that the student would arrive at intervals, no men were allowed inside, and people would work as lookouts.' (Sakena, 163 Half the Sky).

Not only did she have a remarkable comeback but she overcame all obstacles that stood in her way. When we were first introduced to Sakena she was a young girl controlled by men and had no voice, now she is a role model for women worldwide. Sakena taught women use their strength to overcome any obstacle.

The second story that stood out for the strenght shown was Goretti Nyabenda. Unlike Sakena, Goretti knew her abuser, it was her husband. Knowing her abuser caused her emotional pain and forced her to question if there was love present in their relationship. she had her hands full with six children and her husband who used their money to buy beer. Goretti’s relationhsip with her husband was more than toxic, he was controlling. He didnt allow her to go to the store by herself, but Goretti looked past this and focused on positivity. She soon heard of a group called ‘CARE’, she asked he husband if she could attend a meetining however he said no.

Without the concent of her husband she went to the meeting, this meeting changed her whole family. There she learned about crop growing, money, and more. She began to gain more freedom everday, eventually her husband allowed her to to go to the market alone and even deal with some of their finances. Goretti was once looked at as nothing; now she is able to run her ownnlife and money “'I don't always give it to him, because we need to save.

But sometimes I give him some. He allowed me to join the group and that gave me joy, so I want him to have the chance to have fun as well. I do tell him when I'm going out. But I inform him; I don't ask.'. Goretti completly changed her relationship, she used her newfound strength to find her voice. Now she is the dominate one in her relationship, she is no longer opressed but living freely. Goretti stood out to me because she was able to push thrpugh her difficulties and abuse to help her entire family.

Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Two Women in "Half the Sky" essay
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