Time and tide waits for no man

Categories: Time

1. A composite products (or composite) is a structure of materials that is formed by twoor more various substances such as metal, glass, ceramic and polymer. 2. Some common composite materials are:

a.Reinforces concrete
c.Fibre opticd.Fibre glasse.Photochromic glass
1. Concrete is hard, fire-resistant, water resistant, relatively inexpensive and simple to preserve. It ismore important building and construction materials. 2. The strengthens is a mix of concrete and steel
1. Metal such as copper and aluminium are excellent conductor of electricity, but 20% of theelectric energy is lost in the form of heat during transmission. 2. Super conductor are products that have no resistance to the circulation of electrical power at a particular temperature level.

Thus, 100% electrical energy transmission is possible. 3. Among the most dramatic properties of a superconductor is its capability to levitate amagnet.

Superconductor are used to construct magnetically levitate high-speed train (atabout 552 km/h). 4. Superconductor are utilized to make chips for smaller and faster supercomputer.Superconductor likewise play an important function in high speed data processing in internetcommunication.

1. Fiber optic is a composite material that in used to transfer signals for light wave. 2. Fibre optic is utilized in.
a.Telecommunicate where the telephone substation resemble by fiber optic cable televisions.

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b.Domestic cable tv network.
c.Closed circuit tv security system.
3. Fiber optic likewise used in medical fields. It is used in a variety of.
instrument whichenable the investigation for internal body part without having to carry out surgical treatment.

1.Fibre glass is glass in the form of fine threads.

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Molten gas is dropped onto a refractoryrating disc when the glass flies off the disc glass to form fibre. 2.Fibre glass is strong than steel, do not burnt, stretch or rot, resistant to fire and water butis brittle .3.When fibre glass added to a plastic, a new composite material fibre glass reinforces plastic is formed. 4.Fibre glass reinforces plastic has more superior properties than glass and plastic. It is :- a.Extremely strong

b.Light weigh
c.Resistant to fire and water
d.Can be molded, shaped and twisted

1.When 0.01 to 0.1% of silver chloride (a type of photochromic substances) and a smallamount of copper (II) chloride are added to molten silicon dioxide, photochromic glassis formed. 2.The photochromic glass has a special properties. It darken when exposed to strongsunlight or ultraviolet. 3.Photochromic glass is suitable for making sunglasses

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Time and tide waits for no man. (2016, Apr 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/time-and-tide-waits-for-no-man-essay

Time and tide waits for no man essay
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