Essays on The Time Machine

The Time Machine
Original title The Time Machine
Author H. G. Wells
Genre Science Fiction
Language English
Characters Weena, Eloi, Morlock
Published January 1, 1895
ISBN 553212412
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The book is about a man who invents a time machine and travels into the future. He discovers that the future is a very different place from the present, and that the human race has divided into two separate species: the Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi are a peaceful, childlike people who live in a utopian society, while the Morlocks are a savage, bestial race who live in underground caves and prey on the Eloi. The man eventually discovers that the Morlocks are planning to kill all the Eloi, and he must find a way to stop them.

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