The Reversible Condition of Obesity

Obesity refers to the condition of being extremely overweight In recent times, these issues have increased significantly. Obesity is a problem nationwide, however, some areas are affected more than others, such as the United States for instance. Many people blame fast food and lack of exercise on such issues, but sometimes deeper reasons are behind this, Many argue that one’s genes are to blame, which help explains why some have fast/slow metabolism. Although, for the most part, bad diets/ exercise patterns can reveal the likelihood of obesity over an individual.

These issues are of extreme importance because obesity can not only be fatal but can cost society millions of dollars. Obesity deserves attention immediately because it affects even more people living in this country, Luckily, this condition is reversible, so it is never too late to adopt a healthier you with exercise and a nutritious diet, individuals can escape the fatal grip of obesity.

As briefed upon above, obesity is affecting all countries throughout the world although, although patterns rise in specific areas where we see more instances of such cases.

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Harvard health forums indicated that countries such as the United States, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and Egypt have the most cases of such Each of these countries has a population that is at least 30% obese. However, since such studies, the numbers more than likely have increased. Although there is not a single country that has no cases of obesity, there are numerous that have levels under 10%. Some of these countries include China, Japan, India, and Pakistan.

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Logically, simply by looking at the differences in eating patterns and physical activity, we can see why people in countries like the United States are obese and why people in China are not.

Updated: Feb 20, 2023
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The Reversible Condition of Obesity essay
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