The Qualities Of an Efficient Leader

Categories: Teamwork

Efficiency. As we think about the word efficiency, it is directly related to performance. It’s defined as putting the low amount of inputs and getting greater outputs. While not many of us are capable of that, some people are outstandingly good at doing things more efficiently. So I think those who just do things right, must have acquired some special abilities and qualities that make them very rare.

There are some great leaders but the world needs more. Therefore, it is important for anyone who strives to become not just a leader but the one who can be defined as efficient, to examine those qualities such leaders possess.

Firstly, one of the qualities that an efficient leader has is self-discipline. To be a leader begins with the person itself. If one cannot handle his or her own life, then that person cannot lead a whole bunch of people, each with their own problems. Self-discipline is about realizing that you have the responsibility of your life and having the ability to control what you do to get things done - to be efficient.

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It is usually followed by time management and planning skills. An efficient leader is intentional with his time and habits. He knows his priorities and limits. He is focused and on task so he can get things done.

Thus, for efficient leaders, self-discipline is a must. Secondly, an efficient leader empowers people. He knows his people and looks for ways to involve them in various activities allowing them to learn from each experience.

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Everyone has their own abilities and talents. Some can do certain things better than others because it’s the way God created us. Just as our different organs make up one body, people with different abilities make up one team. They complete each other and fill in the gaps with their differences. An efficient leader would use those differences wisely by assigning the right work to the right person. Third, an efficient leader communicates and cooperates well with his people. For a team to accomplish something, it has to communicate and cooperate. It’s all about teamwork.

Therefore, the leader has to manage that process and make it happen smoothly.

How? Create an atmosphere. Build a strong bond or a team spirit by allowing some time together and engaging everyone. It can simply start with greeting each other and having small talks. I think people who communicate will cooperate without trouble which will lead to better performance. An efficient leader is in charge of this whole process. Once it begins, it goes naturally. Not much effort is needed, just someone has to start it. In conclusion, efficiency means accomplishing a task without wasting time and effort and it’s linked to overall performance. Efficient leaders make the best use of everything because first, they have self-discipline. They lead their lives so that they can lead others. Then the leader focuses on his followers and their performance by providing opportunities to learn and building a team spirit.

Works cited

  1. Covey, S. R. (1989). The 7 habits of highly effective people. Free Press.
  2. Drucker, P. F. (2007). The effective executive: The definitive guide to getting the right things done. Collins.
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  4. Kotter, J. P. (1996). Leading change. Harvard Business Press.
  5. Maxwell, J. C. (2007). The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership: Follow them and people will follow you. Thomas Nelson.
  6. Pink, D. H. (2011). Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us. Riverhead Books.
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  10. Blanchard, K. (2002). The one minute manager. William Morrow & Co.
Updated: Oct 11, 2024
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