The Portrayal Of The Consumer Society In Fight Club

Categories: Fight Club

The narrator is not satisfied with the consumer society it is viewed as being fake. The accusation of consumer culture is a normal one. It is assumed that the consumer society can separate one from their humanity and being human matters. There is a critique that consumerism lies on a normal principle which is against the counter research. The fight club is also against the consumer club, and it rejects it making it look like it is empty and wrong. It fails to understand how people make meaning and aso make their own choices as consumers.

Links fat people who are making liposuction to how the Nazi did to the Jews. It reveals how they are dehumanizing as they are not killing anyone in the liposuction process(Desrichard, 2012).

If it was Tyler Durden who was in the vehicle, he could have accelerated the vehicle into the ocean because of his hatred about materialistic things. If it was James Twitchell sitting in the vehicle, he could have opted to leave the car in the parking lot with keys inside the car.

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The fight club and Twitchell’s essay both take the negative sides about the western materialistic things. In the Fight club, the author is against material things and aims in destroying the material things. On the contrary, Twitchell takes a stand that is moderate because it does involve destroying the material things. It is seen where he lives the car in the parking lot without destroying the car.

Luxury spending is whereby you use your resources to acquire luxurious products.

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Consumerism is how various people acquire products or resources in society. If the consumption rates are increased then more jobs will be created thus stabilizing the society’s economy. Materialism is the way people in society value goods and work towards obtaining those goods about other things. It plays an important role in the culture as it determines the objects that are valued most by a certain culture in society.

Marla is seen as a tool of desire and also a destructive element to the narrator. Marla is directly associated with the destroying of the narrator’s apartment. In the chemical burn, Marla is also visualized as someone who is rebellious. Furthermore, the relationship between Marla and the narrator is seen as the cause of the mayhem in the project. Marla is the only female character in the book. Her role is to bring out the relationship between Marla, Tyler and the narrator. Her role is also to bring out the aspect of destruction. Furthermore, her role is also to bring out desires in men. Rosin’s piece “The End of Men” describes how women are outcompeting men in both their education and the job market. In this issue, Marla is in a relationship with both the narrator and Tyler. She is seen as an agent of destruction to both the two men. Therefore, the men will be out-competed by Marla because they were destroyed. The society stereotypes certain jobs to specific genders. It is because of the gender roles that specific genders are entitled to perform. Society views that there are specific jobs for girls and specific jobs. When women do the tasks that men usually do that, they are viewed as being maladaptive.

My opinion on the marketing and advertising industry is that it makes consumers know information on particular goods and products. It also stimulates consumers to buy certain products. Through marketing and advertising, the sales of particular products are increased. The internet is seen as a good tool for advertising. Turow who is a media expert says that the internet has reduced the consumer power. He argues that through the advertisement on the internet information of different consumers is collected, sampled and analyzed. Through the information collected various consumers may be profiled thereby leading to reduced power of consumption. I don’t agree with Turow that the internet reduces consumer power. Through the internet, various people get to know various products thereby increasing the urge to buy the products. Therefore, an advertisement that is made through the internet increases consumer power.

Tyler in the Fight Club said that advertising makes people have an urge for material things thereby making them do jobs that even they hate so that they can have what they want. It is so critical because people end up doing what they hate for them to get what they want. Through advertising, people admire the products that are being advertised. Because of their admiration, they have to work hard to get the products(Brooks & Brooks, 2014). Therefore, they choose doing anything even if they hate for them to fulfill their desires.

Updated: Feb 24, 2024
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