Character Analysis: Maitre Hauchecome in "The Piece of String"

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Guy De Maupassant's short story, "The Piece of String," introduces us to the intricate character of Maitre Hauchecome, a Norman peasant from Breaute. As we delve into Maitre Hauchecome's personality, we discover a man who is frugal, innocent, and deeply offended, ultimately leading to a tragic outcome that unveils the complexities of human nature.

The Frugal Norman

Maitre Hauchecome, defined by his frugality, emerges as a thrifty individual who assigns value to every item he encounters. Living in modest circumstances, he adheres to the Norman tradition of prudence in spending.

This characteristic becomes evident when he stoops to pick up a seemingly insignificant piece of string, showcasing his commitment to economizing resources, even at the expense of physical discomfort due to rheumatism.

His frugality, while initially a virtue, plays a pivotal role in the unfolding tragedy. The string, an item most would disregard, becomes a symbol of Maitre Hauchecome's economic philosophy. Little does he know that this seemingly innocuous act of thriftiness will set in motion a sequence of events that will challenge his innocence and tarnish his reputation.

The Innocence That Becomes a Curse

Maitre Hauchecome's innocence forms the crux of the narrative, becoming both his strength and, ultimately, his downfall.

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When accused of stealing a purse, he vehemently asserts his innocence, lamenting the shame brought upon him by the false accusations. The story unfolds as a poignant exploration of the consequences that befall an innocent man ensnared in the web of deceit.

In his desperation to prove innocence, Maitre Hauchecome articulates, "What grieved me so much was not the thing itself, as the lying.

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There is nothing so shameful as to be placed under a cloud on account of a lie." Here, the depth of his innocence is revealed, highlighting the profound impact of false accusations on an individual's psyche. Despite his genuine attempts to clarify the truth, his words fall on skeptical ears, and he finds himself entangled in a web of betrayal and deceit.

The Offended and Wounded Soul

As the narrative progresses, Maitre Hauchecome transforms from an innocent victim to an offended and wounded soul. The accusations leveled against him not only challenge his integrity but also incite a deep-seated resentment towards those who question his character. The emotional toll inflicted upon him is palpable in his words, "How anyone tell... how anyone can tell... such lies to take away an honest man's reputation!"

The emotional distress inflicted upon Maitre Hauchecome is so profound that it leads to his physical deterioration. The once-frugal peasant finds himself wasting away, both in body and spirit, succumbing to the relentless weight of false accusations. His journey from innocence to wounded pride serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating the fragility of one's reputation in the face of societal judgment.

Conclusion: The Tragedy of a Simple String

In conclusion, Maitre Hauchecome's character in "The Piece of String" transcends the simplicity of a peasant's life, unraveling layers of frugality, innocence, and wounded pride. The narrative serves as a profound exploration of human nature, shedding light on the consequences of societal prejudices and the fragility of individual reputations.

The tragic demise of Maitre Hauchecome underscores the narrative's broader commentary on the impact of falsehoods and the collective responsibility of society to discern truth from deception. As we reflect on the frugal, innocent, and offended peasant, we are compelled to contemplate the intricate dynamics that govern human interactions, reminding us that even the most seemingly inconsequential actions can lead to profound and tragic consequences.

Updated: Dec 15, 2023
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Character Analysis: Maitre Hauchecome in "The Piece of String". (2016, Jul 16). Retrieved from

Character Analysis: Maitre Hauchecome in "The Piece of String" essay
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