The Passage of Union Conquest in the Civil War Gettysburg

I am Ulysses S. Grant, and I am going to tell you we won the Civil War. It was like a game we had to come up with a plan of how to destroy the Confederacy for wanting to allow slavery in their states, and that is what divided our nation. The leaders of the union, including me, and President Abe Lincoln thought we should weaken the South then invade while they are vulnerable. We would do this by winning control of the Mississippi River.

Then create blockage where we would block south ports. That would stop other ships from entering or leaving southern ports. This occurrence would then affect the South's economy by stopping crop marketing with other countries, and the South couldn’t trade with the other countries either that would lead to very low supplies and weapons. We thought we could win the war with our plans and the advantages of advanced industry and railroad systems, and a strong navy.

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At the beginning of the Civil War, the first battle was the Battle of The Bull Run. We were winning at first until the confederacy persevered with the encouragement of their general Stonewall Jackson. We were shocked we thought we had it in the bag, but this was only the beginning. We stood our ground at the next battle I marched my troops into Tennessee on April 6, 1862, in hope to have Tennessee to join the Union army. We collided with the Confederate troops at Pittsburg Landing. We came out on tops beating the south at the Battle known as the Battle of Shiloh.

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Even though we only got central and western Tennessee for the Union it was better than nothing. President Lincoln had Andrew Jackson be the military governor of that region.

As the war protracted the blockage of the South appeared to be effective; supplies in the south was low. Even though we had that positive we become discouraged because of the long list of casualties lost in the war. We soon they ran into Lee’s army at Antietam Creek. Both sides lost several fighters. Luckily the Confederacy retreated but left the war to be so far the most people killed. We had lost 2,100 innocent Union soldiers. Both sides had resolved in 22,000 killed. Even though both sides suffered this had an important effect. President Lincoln later announced he would enforce for enslaved people in areas still fighting the Union would be preliminarily emancipated. This later resulted in the Emancipation Proclamation was created. Lincoln said on January 1, 1862, after signing the Emancipation Proclamation, “Then, thenceforward, and forever free.” This also ended the hope of the South having British and French citizens. When they found out the war was for to end slavery the British and French citizens supported the Union. As the We moved south they enforced the Emancipation Proclamation. This gave the union more soldiers about 180,000 soldiers, and also European Immigrants joined the Union.

This is where this real turning point goes in our favor for the war. At first, it didn't’ seem that way the Confederacy had defeated us at Chancellorsville, Virginia. This sadly for us gave them an opportunity to invade us in the north again and possibly win on northern turf. Although we have to look at what advantage we got it was that the Confederacy had lost one of their best generals, Stonewall Jackson. By one of his own troops! After that war though we really got what we wanted. I lead barricade to Vicksburg. We went ballistic on the city and cut off supplies. Making the soldiers and townsmen try to hold out until surrendering. By July 4 the people had to surrender. This made our plan to be solid proof now because we had now got control of the Mississippi River. This made it difficult for the Confederacy to communicate because divided Eastern and Western were divided.

As the most brutal battle started on July 1 the battle of Gettysburg would mark history. My fellow general George G, Meade, met le’s army. The fighting strolled out three days. On July 3. Our enemies tried to spring on us one last time for a taste of glorified victory, but to only be stopped by our stone wall, pounding union soldiers, and perseverance. As they tried to scoot in closer to us we kept shooting from a higher ground that gave us an advantage. We stopped them with our relentless fighting. They had failed they retreated while the rest we had killed or wounded. This was one of our most malignant wars. 3,000 of our men were killed, and 20,000 together missing or wounded. Later in that year on November 19, 1863 president Lincoln addressed the Gettysburg war and dedicated it to all the lives lost in war, and in honor gave them a cemetery where they were buried. Not only that he gave one of his most historically marked speeches of all time. It was about liberty and equality on which our country was endowed on. He said these exact words, “We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

After this, it was a straight and easy path to victory. We had large regions used to be confederate territories now ours. Southern railroads had almost stopped, and their supplies were scarce. By August 1864, Mobile, Alabama, was the last major port of the Confederacy opens on the Gulf of Mexico. Although it was protected by Fort Morgan, a Confederate fleet, a field of mines, and David Farragut had lost a ship in fighting, he ordered the union to fleet sail into the minefield. Having us win mobile bay and shut down the last major ports of the Confederacy. I had even more pride when I was delegated general over all the Union forces. That I decided to capture the Confederate capital. I ordered the general William Sherman to march from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Atlanta, Georgia. In September 1864, They reached Atlanta. 62.000 men marched into Savannah Georgia. They cut a path of catastrophic annihilation that 60 ft. wide and 300 miles long. They burned down homes, stores, crops, and destroyed railroads. As they were doing that I was in Virginia conquering Lee’s smaller army. We cut off their supplies and kept driving them to retreat. The Confederate troops fled Richmond, Virginia. To avenge themselves though they burnt more than 900 buildings down, and hundreds more they had damaged.

The Confederacy moved west with us in a constant inquiry. We had drawn them to starvation, exhaustion, dispirited, and outnumbered 10 to 1. Lee could no longer retreat and met me that afternoon at Appomattox Court House. I wrote all the terms, and he signed an agreement of surrendering and all the terms. After Lee’s surrender a few weeks later other Confederate troop surrendered. After four years of gory fighting, the Civil war had ended. The Union had been preserved but at a terrible expense. Over the term, the war had lost 600,000 heroic soldiers either killed or from disease, and the south was left in debris. On the other hand, it was the wakeup call for equality of all oriented groups.

Updated: Dec 23, 2021
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The Passage of Union Conquest in the Civil War Gettysburg essay
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