The Exemplary Character Education in "Remember The Titans"

Categories: Film


Exploring the world of character education through the lens of cinema, "Remember The Titans" stands out as a remarkable exemplar. This essay delves into the movie's portrayal of essential character traits encapsulated by the acronym "PRIDE" – patience, responsibility, integrity, dedication, and empathy – as embodied by key characters throughout the narrative.

The film "Remember The Titans" not only captivates audiences with its gripping storyline but also serves as a compelling lesson in character education. Through the prism of "PRIDE," the movie weaves a tale where characters personify virtues that transcend the silver screen, providing viewers with valuable insights into the significance of these qualities in real life.

Patience ("P" in PRIDE)

Coach Herman Boone emerges as a paragon of patience within the storyline.

In the realm of character education, patience is defined as a good-natured tolerance of delay. Coach Boone's commendable display of patience becomes evident as he navigates the arduous journey of uniting a racially divided team, knowing that cohesion takes time to evolve.

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His steadfast resolve contributes significantly to the team's ultimate success, showcasing the transformative power of patience.

Responsibility ("R" in PRIDE)

The character Gerry Bertier personifies responsibility, exemplifying the essence of being reliable and dependable. As the team captain, Gerry shoulders the obligation to stand up for teammate Petey Jones, transcending personal biases. His actions not only address racial tensions within the team but also set a precedent for a sense of responsibility that extends beyond personal preferences, fostering unity and collective growth.

Integrity ("I" in PRIDE)

Coach Bill Yoast emerges as a beacon of integrity, defined as the commitment to doing what's right even when personal desires conflict.

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Coach Yoast's pivotal moment occurs during a game when biased referees target Coach Boone due to his race. In defense of fairness, Coach Yoast jeopardizes his hall of fame spot, illustrating the unwavering commitment to principles and the broader concept of integrity.

Dedication ("D" in PRIDE)

Returning to Coach Boone, the narrative underscores his dedication, characterized by unwavering persistence in the face of adversity. Dedication, synonymous with sticking to a cause without quitting, becomes Coach Boone's defining trait. Amidst criticisms and internal team conflicts, his refusal to quit mirrors a commitment that transcends personal challenges, ultimately contributing to the team's triumph.

Empathy ("E" in PRIDE)

Louie Lastik emerges as the embodiment of empathy, defined as the ability to understand and comprehend others' feelings. Louie's poignant act of sitting with his black teammates at lunch symbolizes a profound care that transcends racial divides. His demonstration of empathy stands as a testament to the power of understanding, fostering a sense of unity within the team beyond superficial differences.


In conclusion, "Remember The Titans" not only entertains but serves as a cinematic guide to character education. The characters, each representing a facet of "PRIDE," collectively impart valuable lessons. The movie reinforces the notion that these character traits, when embodied, have the power to transcend challenges and foster a sense of unity and collective achievement. In a world where character education is often relegated to textbooks, this film offers a captivating and enjoyable exploration of these timeless virtues.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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The Exemplary Character Education in "Remember The Titans". (2016, May 16). Retrieved from

The Exemplary Character Education in "Remember The Titans" essay
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