The Modern Day Heroes, Unseen By Society

Categories: Influential Person

Celebrities or past presidents are considered by most people as heroes, but sometimes ordinary people who go unheard of can be true heroes. Consistent willingness to help others is a unique characteristic of a hero, even if one’s life is endangered. A common firefighter or historical figures like Abraham Lincoln are great examples of heroes, but people such as Rich Marshall or Mike Barbour are antagonists. Good role models and prime examples of heroes can be everyday citizens like firefighters.

Firefighters are normal, everyday people willing to put themselves in risky situations to prevent the loss of life and control or reduce the loss of property by applying all their knowledge and resources. To give an idea, most people escape and continue running the other way when there are fires and explosions, firemen, nonetheless, responds to the call and keep running toward them. This shows the fire department would protect others even if it means endangering their own safety. In addition, firemen are heroes because they do more than fight fires.

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For instance, firefighters save people as they answer whether you’re hurt, stuck in a car, or stuck in a building. Firemen work eagerly to protect their neighborhood. It takes a unique individual to become a fireman. Despite the danger they put themselves in, they continue doing what they do. Like most firefighters, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass have many traits would be considered heroic.

Best examples of heroes are Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. From Pioneer Home to the White House; life of Abraham Lincoln: Boyhood, Youth, Manhood, Assassination, Death by Thayer W.

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Makepeace show although he was assassinated, but the cause he so fervently cherished, so capable, calmly, conscientiously represented and defended not for himself only, not for us only, but for all people in the entirety of their coming generations, till time will be no more. For instance, he's courageous deeds live on today because “though the friends of Liberty die, Liberty itself is immortal” (450).

This shows Lincoln cared less about his life and progressively about what he believes will help the union in the long run. In comparison, Frederick Douglass’s book, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave, portrays the image of himself fighting for freedom, despite his hardships. For instance, he gets back on his feet after beating by a mob during an antislavery meeting; his right hand is broken in the scuffle, and he never fully recovers the use of that hand; his home burnt down, exiled, and uprightly battles for and represents what he supposes is just (96). This is because he is eager to conquer his deterrents since he is destined to improve the country. Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass are heroic because not only do they persevere through physical and emotional difficulties, but they also act for what will help the country in the long run and not what will make them wealthier or benefit their own lives. Unlike Douglass and Lincoln, antagonists from Whale Talk provide examples of what a hero should under no circumstances do.

In contrast to many antagonists, a genuine hero is not and never will be savage. In Chris Crutcher’s novel, Whale Talk, there are numerous occurrences in which Mike Barbour acts insensitively. For example, one of he’s violent outburst was filled with such wrath he severely hit his girlfriend “so hard her shoulder is going to be black” (197). This demonstrates regardless of how furious a hero gets; they would never be so heartless as to strike a virtuous minor. In addition, the racist and alcoholic Rich Marshall from Whale Talk, in addition, carries out atrocious actions. For instance, Rich hates his adopted half-black illegitimate child of his young wife, Alicia, so much that “Rich levels the barrel on Heidi” and tries to shoot her (Crutcher 287). This shows that Rich is not a hero because a genuine hero would never even think about doing something so vicious as to murder a faultless child. Mike Barbour and Rich Marshall portray what a true hero should never do to others.

Of all attributes a veritable hero ought to have, being eager to help is one of them. As consistently, normal individuals, the local department of firefighters are heroes since they attempt preventing property and life losses. Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass represent main instances of historical heroes since they are determined to better the country and not their private interests. The antagonist from Whale Talk, for example, Mike Barbour and Rich Marshall are prime instances of what a hero isn't because they are savage and evil inside. Genuine heroes are individuals who are continually ready to support others, regardless of whether it means putting themselves in danger. Heroes don't need being worlds glorious; they can be ordinary individuals who want and work for the benefit of all.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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