Life Choices: Mission & Activism of a Non-Profit Pregnancy Resource Center

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Life Choices Pregnancy Resource Center is a non-profit organization that offers hope and support for women of our community with an unplanned pregnancy. This is an organization based around obedience to Jesus Christ. It was started by Dr. Meade O'Boyle in 1979 as an abortion alternative. When asked how to describe the overall mission of this organization, the Executive Director, Lindsey Sikes, said, "Offering hope and help to those in a crisis pregnancy." Life Choices has everything needed to educate each patient on fetal development, adoption, and procedures and risks of abortion.

They offer pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, the Hope program, counseling, and abstinence education free of charge. All funds are kindly provided by local churches, businesses, and individuals of the community.(Web)

Life Choices serves pregnant women and new moms. Upon visiting their website,, visitors will learn what the first office visit consists of. "Our clients come to us thinking they might be pregnant. We see all races and ages, single and married.

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A pregnancy narrows your focus to that positive sign on the test and creates decisions that need to be made. There are choices and navigating relationships through this time that are important to our clients," stated Mrs. Sikes. "After a positive pregnancy test, we offer our HOPE (Helping Others Parent Effectively) program throughout the pregnancy and the 1st year of the baby's life. This is an 'earn while learn' program where our clients learn valuable parenting skills and earn what they need for their baby. We have a baby store in our center where they are able to 'buy' needed baby items like diapers, wipes, formula, clothes, cribs, strollers, etc," says Mrs.

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Sikes. They call the earnings Mrs. Sikes is referring to as "Mommy Money." The moms earn it by keeping doctor appointments, making budgets and meal plans, etc.

Life Choices was a counseling center in the past. Dr. Michelle Krieger said Life Choices decided to convert to a medical clinic because every woman has a right to accurate information before making a decision about an unplanned pregnancy that could affect her physically, emotionally and spiritually. (Mulder, Sarah. Article) If the patient decides to abort her pregnancy, Life Choices does not perform them in the clinic.

However, they believe Jesus saves young women and their unborn babies from the consequences of abortion. Therefore, if a woman were to have an abortion elsewhere, Life Choices offers post-abortion counseling. Through their counseling sessions, they try to show women the love of Christ. They believe to find complete peace from your abortion experience, you need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. A relationship with Jesus brings peace and healing.

To try to prevent unplanned pregnancies, Life Choices Pregnancy Resource Center are always happy to schedule speakers for events and for abstinence education at our local schools. "For our clients, we strive to reach them at their schools by building a relationship with guidance counselors and placing posters with contact info on them at junior high and high schools," says Mrs. Sikes. When asked when their busy season is, she said, "Our busy seasons are cliché like after Valentine's Day and prom."

Because Life Choices Resource Center is available to women, lives are being saved. One patient told them, "Thank you for being available and so loving. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Every year, one million babies die from abortion in the United States. Eight thousand of those babies are from Louisiana. About four hundred babies are from Ouachita Parish. Last year, Life Choices Pregnancy Resource Center saved twenty-eight babies. Each year, Life Choices hosts a "Baby's First Christmas" party where they celebrate all the lives born that year. They would like to save more. With the help of your donations, volunteer work, church liaison, prayer, and group projects, that may be possible.

Works Cited

  1. Mulder, Sarah. "Life Choices counseling center becomes clinic, allowing pregnant woman to see baby before making decisions." 11de-94cd-001cc4c002e0.html N.p., September 19, 2009. Web. 21, October 2012.
  2. Sikes, Lindsey. Personal Interview. 21, October 2012.
  3. Web. 18, October 2012.


Updated: May 03, 2023
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Life Choices: Mission & Activism of a Non-Profit Pregnancy Resource Center. (2023, Jan 16). Retrieved from

Life Choices: Mission & Activism of a Non-Profit Pregnancy Resource Center essay
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