The Major Issues of the Conflict in Syria

Categories: Middle East Conflict

The jihadist organization ISIS started in Iraq and has since infiltrated Syria, causing mass murder of the same Muslims that ISIS claims to want to protect. Many solutions to this issue have been discussed, but ultimately the Syrian leader Assad should be taken out of control so that Syria can establish democracy, strengthening them as a whole. Protection of Syria in this new state is crucial as they redevelop, and so are messages of what Islam is truly about, peace. These messages, as well as messages from former 1SIS soldiers should be broadcasted, so that potential recruits are turned oft by the idea of ISIS.

A newly stimulated economy with focus on more than just oil, as well as better education would also help in ceasing ISIS recruitment. A major issue in today's politics stems from the formation of the lslamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS. This jihadist organization's ultimate goal is to take control ot Muslims everywhere n order to produce a caliphate, or an Islamic state.

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Ther gruesome tactics against anyone standing in their way is enough to cause alarm, but even with all of the carnage in Iraq and Syria, a solution has yet to be reached. With the United States listed as IsiS's enemy number one due to the idea that westerners are nonbelieving, liberal, sodomites who have made attacks on Muslims and invaded their land, it is time for a solution (Dean). The best solution involves foraging a new Syrian govemment, Assad free, to stop the vacuum of ISIS recruits caused by lack of ISIS opposition from Assad.

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For this to be possible, Russia, Iran, and the U.S. would have to form a strong collaboration, unlike the half-efforts of the U.S. in the past. Safe zones will have to be established in north and south Syria, so that Syrian refugees will feel safe returning, and in tum, trust can be formed and eventually political accommodation made (gnatius). ISIS, a jihadist organization in Iraq and Syria has used fear-mongering techniques to try to coerce places like the United States to go to war with Syria, wiping out a large amount of their enemies, allowing them to take complete control of Syria. In order for the U.S. to avoid giving ISIS what they want, the govenment must come up with a new solution to this ever-growing issue. With the assistance of the United States and its allies, Syria should boot its current leader and reestablish its government, welcoming back refugees and promoting trust. Soon after this government resurgence will come jobs, allowing Syrians to make a living, swallowing up the possibility of ISIS recruitment of the poor and desperate, their main targets.

The next step would be "creating a Sunni force that can help the lraqi military push ISIS from Mosul, Fallujah, and Ramadi, and then hold the retaken ground" (ignatuus). Although the U.S. has attempted to rain and arm these people in the past and failed, with full support from the U.S. congress along with all of its allies and with intelligence etforts to understand and revamp their past faults, the Sunnis could truly aid in the defeat of ISIS. "Such a force would have to operate from a secure base--not just a logistical base, but a base of trust, in which the Sunnis feel they are fighting for a part of Iraq that will truly be theirs post-ISIS" (lgnatius). Since Assad doesn't do much to protect Civilians from ISis, and even used chemical weapons AGAINST Syrian civilians, a much-needed solution in Syria is democracy. A new leader must be elected, one that the U.S. and all of its allies as well as the Syrians accept. It the Syrians are well protected and able to govern themselves while jobs are created, bringing in substantial economic growth, and ideas of peace are spread, which, in reality, is one of the roots of Islam, Syria has a chance. ISIS propaganda should be eradicated, and Muslim leaders should use their authority to stand up and revertberate that Islam is a religion of peace, and that what ISIS is doing is wrong.

This new, protected Community of survIvors will be reborn, and ISIS wll be unable to get any new recruits, shrinking them significantly. While some may believe that the solution to defeating ISIS is brutal military force, this might actually be what ISIS wants. Since ISIS researched past U.S. war strategies and found that distributing soldiers throughout civilian land was their safest bet, it would be impossible to eradicate ISIS without slaughtering millions of innocent civilians. This would mean the eradication of millions of enemies of ISIS, causing Syria to disintegrate and turn into an ISIS breeding ground. Strengthening the Syrian and Iran governments and establishing democracy before employing any military force is crucial. Once this is done, military force with exceptional aim towards ISIS leaders should be employed, in order to spare the lives of as many civilians as possible. The survivors should be educated and the economy should be stimulated, taking full dependence offof oil and diversifying. If these people are educated and have jobs, they will be way less likely to be pulled into the hands of ISIS.

Rebuilding foreign policy with Russia is crucial to defeating ISIS because Putin backs Assad as leader of the Syrian government. This has caused the steady decline of Syria, causing growth of ISIs. "It is past time for the U.S to end the diplomatic track and impose meaningful costs on RusSsia, Iran, and Assad. The future of the region and the defeat of the Islamic State depend on it" (Rough). Better relations with Russia would perhaps allow the U.S. to coerce Russia into stopping support of Assad, and instead promoting a state of democracy. "MMr Assad's immediate exit is necessary, his presence presents an intractable obstacle to any cooperation between Russia's ad-hoc coalition (which so far includes Iran, Iraq and Syria) and America's" (Rough). Since forming relatuons with Russia has been almost imposSible in the recent past, other techniques to defeat ISIS should be employed. The same humanitarians that will be working to promote the resurgence of Syria should als0 get together a group of former ISIS soldiers and have them tell their stories anonymously through the media. 'This would show others that ISIS is not in fact giving people what was promised, but instead a horrific, dystopian opposite reality.

The media could infilrate Raqga, ISIS headquarters, and gain footage of how poorly people in this region are being treated, also decreasing recruitment. The banning of propaganda and the blocking of ISIS recruitment websites is also crucial. "Earlier this year, TwitterL quietly took dOwn 2,000 accounts Used by ISlS supporterS, but the group continues to use Twitter and other social media platforms to propagate its message" (Bergen). If the message that ISIS is extremely hypocritical gets out, less people will be coerced into joining them. "Relentlessly hammer home the message that ISIS positions itself as the detender of Muslims, but its victims are overwhelmingly fellow Muslims (Bergen). These efforts, after the Syrian govermment is reformed, will truly put the nail in the coffin for 1SIS eftorts of recruitment, eventually starving them of members. In conclusion, ISIS cannot be defeated without stabilization of the Syrian government, allowing Syrian refugees to returm to where they are from in order to stimulate the economy and regrow. The ceasing of ISIS recruitment is also crucial, and the revitalization of foreign policy with Russia is preferred, since Russia supports the reign of Assad, a man who has murdered innocent Syrian civilians.

If these ideas are not put into action, Syria will disintegrate, becoming a safe place for ISIS, rather than a safe place for Syrians to rebuild their lives. This eventual failed state would cause the growth of ISIS, threating the rest of the world even more than it is already being threatened. Well-known Syrian Muslim leaders should preach peace in order to keep Syria in a positive state of mind while rejecting possibilities of ISIS recruitment. Education and jobs must be a priority for Syrians so that they are too knowledgeable and well off in their ew democratic state to ever succumb to ISlS recruitment. "The country's destructive, destabilizing dismemberment cannot be contained-much less solved-with civilians in Assad's bullseye and ISIS in business. The beginning of the end for ISIS may well take place in Syria. But it will take strategic focus, diplomatic discipline, and operational excellence" (lgnatius).


  1. Bergen, P. (n.d.). How to defeat I 10 ideas. Retrieved November 04, 2016, from
  2. Dean, J. (2016). 'Why we hate you': ISIS reveal 6 reasons why they despise Westerners in jihadi magazine - Mirror Online. Retrieved November 04, 2016, from
  3. lgnatius, D. (2015, October 29). Retrieved November 03, 2016, from
  4. Rough, P. (n.d.). The Best Way to Defeat the Islamic State and Succeed in Syria? Push Back on Putin. Retrieved November 04, 2016, from
Updated: Apr 06, 2023
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The Major Issues of the Conflict in Syria essay
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