The Life Changing Step: From High School to University

School life was an exciting part of the journey. Everything used to work like the way we wanted it to work. Classes from morning to evening. Then homework and what not. We had time for everything. Well to tell you it took me 30 min to reach school and 7hr of school life I still had the energy to play, wait I was not allowed to sleep without completing my homework. Classes were moments of joy. We wanted the school to last forever but wait everything has an end and my school life too had an end like all the other students have.

It was in my 11th class things changed, all the students got serious about their life they had to decide which subjects to choose and where to guide their life to and with this started the journey to my next destination.

I had made my plans and everything again started to work the way it used to, friends though now we met twice or thrice a week were busy with their stuff.

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Thing changed, times changed we started with our journey. The 12th class was exciting we had board exams we all were racing for grades like real good grades. And finally came our results well all my friends including me scored well like we weren’t the toppers of school but well we did our best. 12th ended now was the race for getting into colleges, we all joined different tuition centres and started our race, friends no longer remained friends we all were racing against each other and finally guiding our lines and reaching our places for me it was NIT Srinagar.

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What Has Been College Like

Seriously I have no idea, I guess it has been awesome with so many ups and downs. While registering I had a smile all over my face it was like finally, I am a free bird now, I can go where I want, eat what I want. Well, the first day of my class anxiety had gripped my face, seniors will rag us, what seniors!! The school never had seniors, we all were the same. And to be honest I was too afraid to face this and see I was the one crying that day. Well, I won't share the details of it for I really think of it and imagine what if I wasn’t ragged, how would I have interacted with so many people, these damn crazy seniors. Well, my college life started with a lot of fun, a lot of depression and anxiety and what not.

All those things have helped me to be what I am, a person who looks beyond things sees the positive side of things.So far my college life has been full of ups and downs and I have loved it. I want to learn more each day, get stronger each day to face the world. I really thank my roommates from Indus to Chenab who have helped me, cheered me up. And wait should I forget my teachers, never, college professors are awesome. They are a mix of everything, you be polite with them, they will love you, you try to create nuisance you will have to face the worst of their moods. let me say this, life is all about learning. Thanking everyone from my creator to my family to my teachers from school to college to my friends and all those people who helped me in one way or the other.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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The Life Changing Step: From High School to University. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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