The Integral Factor of Cultural Diversity in Education

Culture is an essential element which has to be valued and monitored closely. In school, I interact with people who share diverse cultures both domestic and international students. People generally favor talking about information they share in common with other people (Fast et al 905). When we speak to such people, we build interaction. One of the most widespread forms of interaction in school is peer interaction. Our teachers initiate interactive teaching and learning ac- tivities at the initial stage of a course which helps create a learning environment where students value peer interaction (Arkoudis et al 12).

These interactions among the varying cultural groups enable us to form a community of learners where we gain knowledge. This paper focuses on my past experience, highlights the gains and risks associated with advancing in education and further assess whether a common ground exists among the domestic and international students.

In addi- tion, it explores the sources of knowledge, merits, and demerits of double consciousness in higher education citing references of a person of color.

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Large classes have become a feature of teaching in higher education which hinders tutors from giving individual attention to each one of us (Arkoudis et al 29). Higher education as an investment has some risks such as high costs of tuition and low returns on investment. In addition, college does not orient students to the outside world. The government doesn't cover any of my tuition cost since I chose to pay out-of-pocket. The cost of education is currently growing at a higher rate than that of inflation.

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There is a continued increase in the volume of students enrolling despite the fact that most families cannot afford to cater for the fee. Being a Filipino- American, I come from a family which is a low-income earner and therefore has to provide additional financial support to my family. I must admit that since my family wished to take me to college additional loans are always a problem that causes much pain in my family lowering our living standards. An increase in the cost of tuition fee leads to a decrease in the value of a college degree. The unemployment is higher in graduate related jobs than national rates for other jobs yet students accrue huge debts during their education. Education does not orient students to the outside world since they rely on teachers and educators directions. In college, most domestic students work part-time jobs while others work on full-time leaving no room for interaction among the students (Arkoudis et al 39).

Being a Filipino-American, I feel different from American peers in dressing, language, thought and socializing in the classrooms where they fail to comprehend about our own ways of life to be isolated. A lot of frustrations arise when tutors request us to inform white peers about our culture as well as contribute to topics on Filipino-Americans selectively. During school, we learn people skills, problem-solving skills, get exposed to multicultural activities and acquire the ability to withstand extreme pressure in the course of work. International and domestic students increase the linguistic and cultural diversity that is present in a university learning environment (Arkoudis et al 27). Success in education results from the interactive relationship between domestic students and international students as well as students and teachers. Such relationship builds experience in relating to unfamiliar people at a deeper level especially during life after school.

The development of cross-cultural communication skills, as well as extending knowledge that can prepare them for working in multicultural settings (Arkoudis et al 35). The connections we make in college could lead to lifelong friendships and an unexpectedly well-connected network. Although most students memorize and transfer to tests what they learn in school, students ought to master what they learn in their courses and use it in their daily life. Some of the tests outlined in school are real- life issues that indulge students in critical thinking hence train them on problem-solving skills. Organizations such as the International Student Center and the International Coordinating Council are constantly hosting programs as well as events to encourage cross-culture interaction. In most situations, the events are sponsored and hence students do not require to pay any subscription or attendance fee. Students ought to engage in such activities where they may grow their talents while on another aspect they may never know where they may end up working. Students face different kinds of workloads, examinations, and co-curricular activities. Attending multicultural activities and completing assignments demonstrates an ability to stand strong when subjected to school pressure. Most of us relate with friends from a similar origin and thus find it difficult to learn new cultures instead strengthen racial discrimination in schools.

I attend a predominantly white university where I have to alter my language and culture in order to live in this white dominant culture. Education sessions call for interaction between the facilitator and students as well as for the students among student during various group discussions on research topics. Here we take differing meals while at school compared to those from their culture. This leads to a decline in the number of school enrollments, especially among the students of color. As a result, we isolate ourselves from the fear that their culture would become less independent and equivalent to the white culture. Oral histories, various dialects, and graphic novels provides a better understanding of various topics hence higher education institutions greatly recognize them. Oral history enables the readers to understand problems faced in the past among communities through evident historical examples.

Numerous dialects impact differently on the performance of students. As a result higher education institutions often address dialects in the classroom as a means of encouraging the more standard form of language. The online interaction may also be beneficial for students for whom English is a second language since they have more time to develop and consider their responses (Arkoudis et al 20). The focus on the English language demotivates us due to our dialect. With advancement in technology, students study in a complex information environment thus preparing them to engage in an active and informed way is a challenge to reckon faced by their facilitators. This has resulted in graphic novels opposed to the text-based types of novel. Novels directly involve the reader and require active participation. Use of non-traditional sources and graphic novels as sources of information can help challenge the long-held notion of the appropriate source of educational information. Tension arises when communities share two conflicting opinions and culture where one is dominant over the other.

As in my case, I study schools in a predominantly white institution hence most of the activities involve the dominant culture, American culture. In addition, the language of communication is the American language. I feel my language and culture does not get much recognition as the American culture. Digital sources are more privileged than print sources. The rise of technology has enabled access to information due to the availability of digital sources in the libraries. Technology enables updates and reviews on journal articles on a daily basis including recent trends with respect to a certain topic. Other digital online sources also enable students' access information while still at home as opposed to print information which is heavy to students. In addition, availability of search buttons ensures an easy access to information rather than perusing through the print documents. Print information sources accumulate most of the resources in the library and hence need to be excluded.

A shelf may have numerous printed journals and books that are no longer used since most students opt for online sources. A common ground exists when interaction promotes student-centered learning that can encourage students to challenge each other and consider alternative viewpoints (Arkoudis et al 29). Language acts as a catalyst in search for common ground. International Students' main problem is not lacking knowledge of the English language rather it is due to lack of a common ground between the international and domestic students (Arkoudis et al 38). Most of us talk about television shows whereas the international students are not familiar with hence we do not create a common ground for them.

Residential experience also enables us to meet in the kitchen and residential hallways creating a common ground with the international students (Arkoudis et al 38). When we engage in peer review during classes we take control of our learning allowing us to interact freely with fellow students. As a result, both domestic and international students become exposed to diverse perspective other than those of the tutors. These situations allow the existence of a common ground among different students since they share a similar perspective on culture. Regardless of the fact that the interaction between the teachers and students forms a common ground at the classroom level, there are other forms of forming a common ground such as engaging in co-curricular activities which include volunteering and mentoring programs (Arkoudis et al 38). These activities allow for sharing among different cultural disciplines. Culture is the precipitate of communication, as well as of cognition (Fast et al 909).

Individuals who create or make knowledge may be termed as knowledge makers. Elders possess information from their life experiences and thus use the knowledge to educate the younger generation and therefore are known as users. One qualification of becoming a professor is coming forward with a new research finding hence they qualify as knowledge makers. Students engage in unlimited assignments in search of information and hence are knowledge maker. Most peers use existing forms of interactions hence make use of existing knowledge. Varied traditions of knowledge exist within a learning environment for both school and culture may exist. One important aspect that may facilitate the co-existence is connecting the goals together for both situations.

For instance, using skills learned in school to tackle activities done at home. Research recognizes the family as both an asset and liability to a college student. Students who quit school and score low grades perceive their obligations as a contributing factor to poor performance as well as little emotional support from their families. Contrary students who scored high grades perceived their families, irrespective of the levels of income, as an asset to their outstanding performance through emotional support and finances. This implies both traditions can exist upon acceptance from the students on the situation at hand. Double consciousness forces us to question ourselves on how we can improve our lives. During day to day lives, we engage in frequent mindful analysis on our lives and work on improving our lives so as to please the outside world.

On the other hand, double consciousness causes inner conflict when we attempt to reconcile our identity as a person of color and an American citizen. Such conflict places us at a singled end where we have to prove ourselves as successful people just like the Americans. The media greatly manifest the concept where media sells images of black males as criminals, rappers or athletes and as a consequence, white America perceives black men as people associated with all sorts of illness in the society. We have a personal sense of feeling as if our identity is divided into two sections making it difficult to have one identity. Connectivity prevails when we accept our condition and engage in multicultural activities which facilitate an understanding of the white culture. Seeing oneselfthrough an offender's eyes allows us to navigate in an American culture by comprehending the sociology of race discrimination. Encouraging us to attend school, perform more achieve high grades in school allows us to navigate through the concept where the school is seen as not a cool space rather an oppressive place. When students achieve higher grades others see them as role models and therefore work harder to eliminate racism based on poor performances.

Updated: Dec 14, 2022
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The Integral Factor of Cultural Diversity in Education essay
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