Ideal World: Wealth, Freedom, Education, and Harmony

Categories: The Giver

1st Journal Entry: If I were to envision a perfect world, it would revolve around the idea of unlimited wealth and freedom to do as one pleases. In this utopia, the government would uphold strict laws without being oppressive, focusing on important issues such as banning activities like killing and smoking. Furthermore, measures would be taken to combat global warming for the betterment of all, including protecting the Arctic ice glaciers and polar bears. Family dynamics would also be ideal, with harmonious relationships and a maximum of three siblings.

In an ideal world, your children would receive a top-tier education from exceptional teachers. A key perk for kids in school would be having a one-hour free period. The climate would be consistently mild throughout the year. The population would all adhere to the Christian faith, believing in God and typically doing what is morally right. Instances of wrongdoing would primarily occur during competitions or moments of anger. Food and shopping options would mirror those found in our current world, with familiar stores such as Wal-mart, Target, and Bi-Lo.

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However, the food selection would consist mainly of junk food, candy, hot dogs, burgers, and pizza, with some healthier options available as well.

2nd Journal Entry: 2) Recount a fearful experience you had. An instance that left me frightened was during a haunted hayride, where unexpected figures would jump out at you. Despite anticipating their appearance, they managed to surprise me by appearing from a different direction on the trailer. The ride continued with various characters from horror movies like Jason from Friday the 13th and Saw.

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Sitting on the edge made it even more terrifying, as they could easily approach and interact with you.

In confronting my fear, I found release by facing it head-on. While the majority of the hayride was not too frightening, there were moments that took me by surprise and truly terrified me. The most chilling part, however, was when they unexpectedly appeared on the opposite side, catching me off guard and intensifying the scare factor. This hayride took place during a festive gathering, adding to the overall enjoyment. Much like Jonas, who initially felt anxious and fearful, I too found solace in fun and enjoyment after the hayride experience. Just as Jonas found relief in sharing his apprehensions at the dinner table.

3rd journal Entry: 6) Jonas and his classmates, along with myself, have actively participated in community service. While I have not yet been on a mission trip, I am considering attending one this year. The upcoming mission trip will be held at my church, where we will go into the community to help those in need. Therefore, even though it is called a mission trip, it is essentially a type of community service that I have been heavily involved in.

Participating in community service involves assisting others in the community, which I find fulfilling due to the positive impact it has on people's lives. I value the diverse range of opportunities for community service, including activities like volunteering at a Vacation Bible School where we visited shelter sites in Charlotte to offer support through various tasks such as washing cars, organizing talent shows, and spending quality time playing BINGO with individuals.

4th Journal Entry: 7) Thoughts on the stirrings pills and their emotional effects: Personally, I find the stirrings pills to be quite peculiar. I struggle to fully comprehend their purpose and the concept of the stirrings in general. It's strange how taking a pill can instantly eradicate a certain feeling. Typically, when we take medication, it takes some time to take effect and bring relief. However, with the stirrings pills, the experience is entirely different. The sensation induced by the stirrings is reminiscent of the butterflies one feels when they have a crush on someone. In our society, Jonas's desire for Fiona in the book seems somewhat extreme compared to our norms, although it doesn't quite align completely.

In their community, the act of liking someone is expressed through the stirrings pills. Taking a pill everyday is necessary to prevent the stirrings from returning. While it may seem strange at first, one would eventually get used to the routine, as depicted in the book. Unlike other medications like those for a knee injury, failure to take the stirrings pills would not worsen the condition but simply prevent improvement.

5th Journal Entry: 4) Words hold significant importance in this novel. Despite never pondering upon having a favorite word, I believe that favorite words are not crucial as they are rarely brought up in conversations. However, if asked about my favorite word, I would probably answer with Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea, pronounced as pee - awng - yawng.

My favorite word is Pyongyang because of how it sounds funny and addicting when repeated. On the other hand, my least favorite word is "like" because of how it is overused, especially by girls and sometimes guys, in conversations and speeches. So always say Pyongyang and never say like unless necessary.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Ideal World: Wealth, Freedom, Education, and Harmony essay
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