The Elements of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Steve Jobs' Stanford Speech

Categories: Entrepreneurship

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. and a visionary entrepreneur, delivered a remarkable commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005. This speech has since become iconic for its powerful blend of ethos, pathos, and logos, which captivated the audience and left an indelible impact on listeners. By employing these persuasive techniques, Jobs effectively conveyed his personal experiences and life lessons to inspire and motivate the graduating students.

Ethos, derived from the Greek word meaning "character" or "ethics," is an appeal to the credibility and authority of the speaker.

In his speech, Steve Jobs effectively establishes his ethos by emphasizing his own personal experiences and accomplishments. As a highly successful entrepreneur and the driving force behind Apple's revolutionary products, Jobs commands respect and admiration from his audience. He mentions his co-founding of Apple, his subsequent ousting from the company, and his triumphant return, highlighting his resilience and determination. By sharing his own journey, Jobs establishes himself as a credible source of wisdom and expertise, lending credibility to his message.

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Furthermore, Jobs invokes ethos through his affiliation with Stanford University itself. Being a renowned institution of higher learning, Stanford's reputation adds weight to Jobs' words. By addressing the graduating students and sharing his insights on life and career, he positions himself as a respected figure and mentor, thereby reinforcing his ethos.

Pathos is an appeal to the emotions and values of the audience, aiming to elicit an emotional response that will connect them to the speaker's message. Steve Jobs masterfully employs pathos in his Stanford speech, evoking a range of emotions from the audience.

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He recounts personal anecdotes and shares emotional moments from his life, such as his battle with cancer. By revealing his vulnerability and mortality, Jobs touches the hearts of his listeners, fostering empathy and a shared emotional experience.

Moreover, Jobs utilizes pathos to inspire and motivate the graduating students. He taps into their hopes, fears, and aspirations, addressing their anxieties about the future. Through his stories of triumph over adversity, Jobs instills a sense of hope and resilience, urging the students to follow their passions and pursue their dreams. His emotional appeal resonates deeply with the audience, empowering them to embrace uncertainty and seize opportunities.

Logos refers to the use of logic, reasoning, and evidence to support an argument. In his Stanford speech, Jobs integrates logos by employing logical explanations and presenting evidence to support his ideas. He illustrates the importance of connecting the dots in one's life, emphasizing that seemingly disparate experiences can lead to unexpected outcomes. Jobs provides concrete examples from his own journey, recounting how his interest in calligraphy influenced the design of Mac computers. By linking cause and effect, he demonstrates the logical progression of events and encourages the audience to embrace diverse experiences.

Furthermore, Jobs employs logos by offering practical advice and imparting valuable life lessons. He emphasizes the significance of finding one's passion, pursuing excellence, and persevering through challenges. Jobs substantiates his arguments by drawing on historical figures and their achievements, such as the story of the "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish" slogan from the final edition of the Whole Earth Catalog. By referencing tangible examples and timeless wisdom, Jobs strengthens his logical appeal and persuades the audience to adopt his perspective.

Steve Jobs' Stanford speech exemplifies the artful integration of ethos, pathos, and logos, making it a captivating and influential piece of oratory. Through his personal anecdotes, emotional resonance, and logical reasoning, Jobs effectively connects with his audience on multiple levels. His ethos as a visionary entrepreneur, his pathos in evoking emotional responses, and his logos in presenting logical arguments collectively contribute to the persuasive power of his speech. Jobs' words continue to resonate with listeners, inspiring them to pursue their passions, embrace challenges, and make a lasting impact on the world.

In conclusion, the elements of ethos, pathos, and logos employed by Steve Jobs in his Stanford speech serve as a testament to his persuasive abilities and his capacity to inspire others. By understanding and analyzing the intricacies of these rhetorical techniques, we can appreciate the profound impact they have on shaping public discourse and influencing the thoughts and actions of individuals. Jobs' speech stands as a timeless example of the persuasive power that ethos, pathos, and logos can wield when artfully combined in a masterful oration.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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The Elements of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Steve Jobs' Stanford Speech. (2023, Jul 02). Retrieved from

The Elements of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Steve Jobs' Stanford Speech essay
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