The constant expanding applications of computers in

The constant expanding applications of computers in technological advancements demand more efficient networking and productive system administration. Over the years, I have witnessed the rise of the modern computing industry and I can sense that there are still tremendous developments to come in this field. Advances in Computer Science have a major impact in all other fields, from infrastructure to education. Originating from a foundation of Computer Science and Engineering, I have built up interest to probe into the arena of software which possesses a challenging task in providing network along with the security.

This cultivated my enthusiasm to take a Master's program in Computer Science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

Right from my high school, I have enjoyed exploring different avenues regarding PCs and applications. So it was quite natural for me to pick Computer Science as my area of study for a bachelor's degree at St. Martin's Engineering College in India. Now, I at the end of my undergraduate studies, am resolved to pursue my education in this field, but in a more competitive and global environment.

There is only one perfect destination for my postgraduate studies: the USA, a nation which remains at the focal point of the computing universe.

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The US has been the leader of innovation in computing, and the most innovative and prosperous organizations in this field are based there. Studying abroad in the US will give me a significant range of proficient skills and also a much broader, more international perspective. I am assured that I am well prepared to overcome the difficulties of studying in your master's program because of my extensive academic and pragmatic approach, which I will depict in detail below.

Over the past three years, the comprehensive curriculum of St.

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Martin's Engineering College has given me exposure to core areas of Computer Science such as Computer Networks, Database Management Systems, Information Security, Cloud Computing and so on. I have thorough understanding of the concepts along with the strong fundamentals in programming languages namely C programming, Java programming and HTML. These helped me to learn new things relevant to this field with ease. The practical experience which I have gained here helps me to solve problems in different ways.

As part of a mandatory project in my final semester of undergraduate studies, I started working on the assignment titled "Deduplicatable Productive Data of Repository for Multiuser Environments". It deals with the phenomenon of not allowing to store duplicate and redundant information by sending notifications to the one who are trying to as well as giving permissions to multiple users to make changes in the files uploaded by other users irrespective of owner and user relationship in the cloud.

Apart from my interest in computers, I believe sports and extracurricular activities are two of the important aspects in life. I am an active member of certain clubs in my college which are relevant with quiz, aptitude and so on. I like to keep myself in a good physical condition because it helps me to reduce stress. Though I am a great basketball enthusiast, I am not good at any kind of sports. Another hobby of mine is reading, detective fiction in particular, which stimulates me to think outside the box and improve my ability to concentrate.

I chose to do my postgraduate studies in the US because I want to know how the system runs there. I want to learn new courses, go deep into the subject in a practical way. I want to explore new places and different cultures which helps me become a better person. I want to improve my professional skills, critical thinking and leadership skills which helps me to increase my credibility.

As declared above, I am passionate about computers and I would like to join the Master's program in Computer Science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville which happens to be a great asset for the computer world for its renowned researchers and world class research centers. I selected this university for my master's program because I unequivocally trust that the learning environment plays a crucial role in gaining knowledge and expertise. I firmly believe that pursuing my graduation from UAH will definitely provide guidance to my pursuits of becoming a software intellectual in the future.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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