The Compelling Idea in Consequentialism

Categories: EthicsSociety

Consequentialism is practiced in our society today. Everyone is made to pay for the wrong committed. This was also the case of the Kenya’s leading lady intimate beauty pageant on the 19th of July, 2018. She was sentenced to death for killing her husband. From a consequentialist point of view, the compelling idea in this sentence will be showed. Also, at least three reasons for regarding it as such will be given.

Consequentialism can be defined as an ethical theory that that justifies if something is right or wrong depending on its consequences.

So many consequentialists take this theory to be anchored by a compelling idea, an intuitive idea, which states that it is always permissible to promote the best of all outcomes. Consequentialism is controversial. Consequentialism entails that no matter what an individual does at a given time, the action with the best overall consequence is morally right. It does not state the right consequences. People sometimes agree n this concept while they disagree on the outcomes that should be regarded as good or bad.

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There are several arguments that support consequentialism. There are the intuitive argument, assimilation argument and pragmatic argument. The intuitive argument is most familiar. This argument was clearly stated by Douglas Portmore. Consequentializing is motivated by keeping what is compelling about act- utilitarianism and avoiding the problematic aspect of it. According to most consequentialists, it is permissible always to bring about the best possible outcome. The intuitive argument of consequentialism is based on three main claims.

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These are in consequentializing a theory, nothing equally compelling is lost; the compelling idea can be captured by the consequentialized versions of non- consequentialist theories and; that the compelling idea is indeed compelling. The assimilation argument states that all moral theory that is plausible is a version of consequentionalism. According to the pragmatic argument, non-consequentialist theories should be consequentialized. There will be a progress in theorizing about ethics when it is done.

The death sentence rendered on the lady reinforced the belief that bad thing normally happen to those that deserve it. Also, good things happen to good people. A psychological release from overwork and conformity is provided by reinforcing the idea that there will be a reward in due time through the existence of capital punishment. The lady in question was wrong to kill her husband. Her husband’s family and friends were bitter about it. According to consequentialists, if a murderer is executed and it will lead to lead to a massive increase in happiness, then it is a good thing. From a consequentialist point of view, giving her a death sentence will prevent others for indulging in such a crime. An action’s moral value is assessed depending on the impact upon the equilibrium of bad and good in social utility. The punishment melted on the lady is justified to the extent that practice leads to the desired outcome.

Although consequentialism is highly criticized, it has its good sides which should be encouraged. Therefore, it was compelling that the death sentence was issued to the lady.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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The Compelling Idea in Consequentialism. (2024, Feb 19). Retrieved from

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