The Choices And Concluding Decisions In Fight Club

Categories: Fight Club

The second quarter of the novel, “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk records many conclusions of the author’s choices made throughout chapters 8 to 13. The novel resumes characterization with the narrator, and Tyler. The main conclusions that's made throughout chapters 7 to 13 are shown by the drastic changes between both characters with traits and personalities.

The narrator is portrayed as a hard-working man for a car sales company, who strives to become a perfectionist in the eye of society. He attends the support groups which I think gives him more confidence and attention as he usually cries to release his emotions.

The narrator seems more introverted, by never giving his real name. I think he is a dynamic character as he became a whole new man when he met Tyler. He decides to follow what Tyler’s goals are in society. They both create the ‘Fight Club’, and Tyler helps the narrator become stronger. An example of a developing dynamic character in the story is when Tyler states during the fight club meeting “Who I am in Fight Club is not someone my boss knows” (21).

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This quote explains that you become a different individual when you are in fight club, as you develop a new personality. The narrator usually follows Tyler’s instructions and acts as an assistant to him.

When the narrator meets Tyler, he seems friendly. I would describe Tyler as an ambitious and creative person. He is highly respected by other members of the book club. From reading up to two-quarters of the novel I think that Tyler is a static character and will stay the same.

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From the start of the novel, his character traits are shown as him being reckless. This can be proven by his abandoned house, the contribution of making a single frame of pornography into family films or adding urine into the soup. Tyler also tries to motivate people to let go of their fear, stop working jobs they do not enjoy, and to do things they are passionate about. “I just don't want to die without a few scars, I say. It’s nothing anymore to have a beautiful stock body.”(Chuck 43), This quote explains that everyone is going to die one day. Another character trait is his leadership skills; his ability to lead men. He does this by creating the so-called “Fight Club” and hopes that transform boys into men and helps them become more mature.

Hence the novel “Fight Club” by Chuck Palahniuk has many conclusions form choices made by the author in the second quarter of the novel, and has informed the reader on the opposite personalities and views of the narrator and Tyler perceive; in conclusion the second quarter of ‘Fight Club’ helped the readers conclude all the author’s ideas with the main difference in traits and motives between the characters.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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The Choices And Concluding Decisions In Fight Club. (2024, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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