The Amusement Park Industry


Amusement parks and theme parks are being the term of the entertainment attractions in over the World. The U. S is almost leading this large numbers of theme park by 322 $ million guests in 2003. According to the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) "the amusement park industry’s roots can be traced all the way back to medieval Europe when in approximately 1133 A. D, the monk Rahere, a former jester in the court of Henry I held the first trade fair" (IAAPA).

The idea of the amusement parks started in the United State sometimes in end of the 19th century by the electric trolley companies.

Also, this idea came to create some events for people during the weekend, which it was the golden period of theme parks. In 1893, it was the first exposition which held in Chicago and it was the event which Ferris wheel as well as the Midway introduced to over the World (2002). Six Flags. Inc as known is the world’s largest regional theme park company based on the number of its properties; as well it is the 5th most well-liked in terms of attendance.

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Furthermore, Since the Walt Disney Company beings the first in amusement park operator in the U. S.

Six Flags takes the second place with 20 million international visitors in the year. What's more, Six Flags holds39 family oriented theme parks in the U. S, Canada, Mexico, and Europe. The company estimates that nearly two thirds of the American population that lives within 100 miles of one if its parks.

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According to IAAPA “the properties serve 35 of the 50 largest U. S. metropolitan areas". The company first target is the local markets as the only competitor, Disney land, are a focuses for visitors from the entire world.

It also has exclusive rights to theme park usage of Warner Brothers 3 and DC Comics characters in most of North America, South America, and some Europe countries, with many parks featuring such characters, for example, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety Bird, Yosemite Sam, Batman, and Superman (IAAPA. Sep 2009). Competition: The competition and marketing in amusement park industry have been growing up after began consolidate that occur a bigger established smaller parks and family operations. In addition, theme parks in U. S become high commodities and the gaining for theme park properties have been increasing to high record levels.

They also have been supported by the government in U. S which was the biggest amount acquisition with U. S. $1. 9 billion that paid for the Six Flags Theme Parks Chain by Premier Parks. The Six Flags Company has been raking as the fifth largest amusement park regarding to the annual attendance in the world after Walt Disney, Merlin Entertainment Group in United Kingdom, Universal Studios, and Parques Reunidos in Spain. Also, Six Flags's properties become more available as the result of the consolidated of the U.S industry and it keeps announced every year unique properties to its parks which make operators work harder than before to attract and retain attendees. According to Six Flags Website in Aug 30, 2012 " Six flags properties announced two ground-breaking thrill rides will debut at Six Flags over Georgia and Six Flags White water in 2013". For example, adding new rides, new shows, and new experiences. According to IAAPA " amusement parks were not investing as heavily in magnificent roller coasters; instead in 2000, they were focusing more on family oriented rides and amenities like air-conditioned restrooms and better food".

Also, Six flags usually every season surprises its visitors by great deals with lower price like free admission and free season parking to any Six flags theme parks. 4 The hot competition in theme parks business was one of the main reasons of the difficult time that the six flags company and amusement park industry had been facing during the past few years. For instance, in August of 2001, theme and amusement park operators were concerned with the drops in attendance in many parks.

Also, the terrorist attack is another huge reason of dropping the market of the amusement park industry in the United State after the Sept, 2011. The bad weather condition in 2002 and the War in Iraq had affected the level of tourism to U. S especially the theme park sector. According to USA Today, 2002 "10 percent of Americans rated amusement parks and sporting events as the most likely target for a terrorist attack, behind nuclear plants and large city downtowns, yet ahead of airports, national monuments, military installations, and bridges". The major competitor of Six Flags Company in U.S is the Walt Disney Company. It announced that the attendance in 2003 was almost 97 million and revenues of U. S. $6. 4 billion and most of visitors were from Walt Disney in Florida and Japan. Another competitor of Six flags is Universal Studios Recreation Group with 73 million visitors and revenues $ 4 billion in Orlando, Fl.

Recovery strategies

In 2005, Six Flags made an important change in the top management by hiring Mark Shapiro the new chief executive officer, after that they change their focus and goals to become more careful about cleanness, kindness and with family-friendly atmosphere.

The management brings a trained staff and enforce of a code of conduct which made the park better than ever, with more customers satisfaction. Shapiro focused to drive to increase attendance through enhance broad-based marketing strategies and introduce standardized pricing in all parks, make marketing alliances and sponsorship with most popular consumer brands. Moreover, Much of Six Flags' social marketing strategy relies on getting people to talk about events, such as the 45th anniversary celebration, 5.

According to Shapiro concluded, "Every single day we will remain focused on bringing our guests an entertainment package that they can't experience anywhere else close to home: family rides, thrill rides, special events, concerts and shows, daily parades, fireworks, shopping, dining and games” (Six flags web, 2006). Overall, the main focus of Shapiro was to enhance and emphasize the benefits for existing resources and develop some of old strategies to raise the income and reach some of other goals.


  1. Amusement Park History. Retrieved from: http://library. entparkhistory. htm
  3. BusinessWeek. IAAPA. (September, 2009). European Amusement and Theme Park Industry: An Assessment of Economic Impact of Onsite Visitor Spending. ERA Project No: 18158. Retrieved from: http://www. iaapa. org/europe/documents/EuropeEconomicImpactStudy. pdf
  4. Journal Record. Oklahoma-based Six Flags off the sales block. 2005. Oklahoma City, Ok Levine, Arthur. FlaggingDown Mark Shapiro. 2006. tribune. com. Retrieved from: http://corporate. tribune. com/pressroom/? page_id=2339
  5. Okumus F, Altinay L, Chatholh P.(2010). Strategic management for hospitality and tourism. 1st Edition, Burlingtion, MA 01803, USA. Elsevier Ltd.
  6. Six Flags, Inc. (2006). Six Flags Reports Strong Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2005 Results; Results Driven by Attendance and Spending Growth; New Management Team Reaffirms Guidance for 2006. Retrieved from: http://investors. sixflags. com/phoenix. zhtml? c=61629&p=irol newsArticle_pf&ID=828685&highlight
  7. Six Flags Website. (Aug 30, 2012). Six Flags over Georgia and six flags white water Announce new Thrills for 2013. Retrieved from: http://www. sixflags. com/overGeorgia/info/News_2013NewCapAnnouncement. aspx.
Updated: Feb 23, 2021
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