Telehealth Nursing: Transforming Healthcare at a Distance

Categories: HealthTechnology

Any nurse who has talked to a client over the phone has practiced telehealth nursing. Telehealth is defined as "using innovation to provide healthcare, health details or health education at a range" ("What Is Telehealth?," n.d., para. 1). Although making use of technology changes how nursing care is delivered and may need competencies related to its use to provide nursing care, the nursing procedure and scope of practice does not differ with telehealth nursing. Nurses took part in telehealth nursing practice continue to assess, strategy, step in, and evaluate the outcomes of nursing care, but they do so utilizing technology.

In an environment of limited variety of nurses, technology can help satisfy the requirement to offer nursing care and increase the effectiveness of those nurses. When a client leaves the medical facility, the patient is accountable for his or her own healthcare in your home. Telehealth services can make it more efficient to manage continuous care and improve client security. Telehealth nursing is used when there is a requirement to provide nursing care from another location and enhance performance and access to healthcare.

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Telehealth offers doctor with a chance to serve individuals who are in poor health, live in remote locations and do not have sufficient access to health care. Among the major advantages of telehealth is that it promotes safety in healthcare. Clients are being released from the medical facility earlier than ever before, with various medications and typically lacking the knowledge they need to take care of their condition sufficiently.

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Telehealth permits these clients to return home, which saves cash, however enables them to be supported by a professional until they are well or are handling their condition with confidence. Telehealth supplies a safety web for patients who might be fighting with handling their condition in your home, preventing problems that could lead to being hospitalized again. There is a requirement for standards and guidelines to support telehealth nursing practice and to reduce liability threat for nurses.

Practice standards and guidelines are evidence-based, and many people are involved in the development and distribution of nursing telehealth practice standards. Input from a wide array of experts is solicited in developing the standards and guidelines, in order to assure adequate consideration of technological, medical, nursing, legal, and ethical issues. (Hutcherson, 2001) To ensure safe and high quality telehealth nursing practice, technical requirements for privacy and security of personal health data should adhere to local and national laws governing the storage and transmission of personal health information. The future of telehealth is promising, but it may not work for addressing the chronic care burden of every patient.

Telehealth is a means of enhancing an organization’s ability to provide quality care in patients’ homes and delay the need for expensive hospital admissions or traditional nursing home care. Besides cost savings and bridging healthcare access barriers in rural areas, telehealth provides the opportunity to gain significant medical insights by analyzing continuous health data for a patient collected through remote monitoring, combined with other data sources. Telehealth services extend the skills and knowledge that nurses use every day. It is also one of the most promising and practical solutions, available not only to address an inevitable nursing crisis, but also to bring modern day healthcare to more people and save more lives.

Hutcherson, MS, RN, C. M. (2001). Legal considerations for nurses practicing in a telehealth setting. Retrieved from What is telehealth? (n.d.). Retrieved from

Updated: Nov 30, 2023
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Telehealth Nursing: Transforming Healthcare at a Distance. (2016, May 28). Retrieved from

Telehealth Nursing: Transforming Healthcare at a Distance essay
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