Teenagers All Around The World

Categories: Teenager

As of 2005, there are over 825 million teenagers in the world. Teenagers in modern society live very different lives compared to those in the 90s and 80s. Thanks to the introduction of advanced technology and trends around the world, teenagers live very different lives, from living with both happiness and memorable experiences with friends and families everyday to being emotionally conflicted over the stress from their families or themselves on getting good grades to getting a good future for themselves.

Technology has greatly affected the lives of teenagers.

One major frustration is that teenagers in modern society are not able to voice out their concerns on prejudice and are typically not taken seriously if given the chance to.

One example is the case of Pennsylvania’s suppressed valedictorian: Peter Butera, 18 who told the spectators about the authoritative nature of “a few” administrators and school members. He said that they “stopped students from maturing into true leaders.”He then tells of a situation to on of public schools advising students not to impart information or convey a certain sincere sentiment, only because it will make them “ look bad”, it removes a lifespan of civic education.

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However, most adults are given the right to voice out their opinion, regardless of whether it is right or wrong. This is very common all around the world, not only in Pennsylvania and it needs to be addressed. Ignoring this may also affect the teen’s path to proper development and may affect emotional well-being. Teenagers need to be acknowledged and given the same right as adults to voice out their concerns and prejudices against them.

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They should not be silenced or ignored. Teenagers should be given the chance to fully grow and mature in their own way and not suppressed.

Another example is the pressure on teenagers in the modern society to achieve high levels of academic success in paramounting the joys of education and making kids anxious and dispirited. For example, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull sat his Grade 12 examinations in 1972 and apparently did not feel the importance or much pressure to do well. The pressure of school has heightened considerably since the 1970s. The education system now is infatuated with definite definitions of success, with regulated testing, ranking, comparison and competition studies show that teenagers are much more stress now in modern society than in the past. Thus, 26 percent of students now are suffering from anxiety, depression and mental health issues because of the pressure and stress of the modern society.

Even though teenagers in modern society face a lot of pressure in school, there are also delights in being a teenager in modern society. Teenagers these days have lesser parental control compared to teenagers in the 1980s.There has been an increasing trend that parents are starting to give independence to their teenagers. About 94% of the teenagers in modern society are given the privilege to choose what they want to eat, wear and do. When parents do not make choices for teens, teenagers would have to make their own crucial decision and take responsibility for their actions. This would allow them to think about their actions before doing it. When entering the working society teenager would know what to do when they face a challenge. They deal with the problems professionally as they have probably faced the same situation before. Thus teenagers have lesser parental control and can become more independent.

With the Introduction of the iphone in the 2007, the new age of technology has begun. With the advancing Technology and inventions of newer and easier technology, many adults would argue that teenagers now are living a very carefree life. Some would complain about the excessive use of mobile phones, like going onto social media too often and playing too much games. But with the use of the mobile phones, communication has never been easier. Being able to communicate with a friend through a simple text that can be crafted in less than 3 minutes and having it be sent to the friend in an instant has provided everyone with easier communication.

The mobile phone has also provided us with entertainment right at our fingerprints, with mobile applications like Youtube and Netflix. We are able to search up entertaining videos of all kinds, from gaming to unboxing videos.

The mobile phones also have an application stores to download games either as a small price or for free. These games may need the use of internet connections to be able to play with other friends in multiplayer game mode or individual games like Mystery games or mindless typing games. The mobile phones not only is an entertainment or communicating device, but it provides educational apps like duolingo which helps us learn a new language, Khan academy which provides tests for subjects like Mathematics and science. With this, the Invention of the mobile phone has provided great use for this generation.

In conclusion, Teenagers in the modern society have many frustrations and delights. Teenagares livng in the modern society will be part of the new generation of adults in the future. Having a new mindset and changing the world. This also means changing the different delights and frustrations for the next few generations to come. Like an improved advancement of new technology and doing about the kids who face too much stress. Teenagers are crucial for our future generations.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Teenagers All Around The World. (2024, Feb 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/teenagers-all-around-the-world-essay

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