Task 1 off of is a transcript of Donald Trump's speech

Categories: Irony


The text type I based this written task 1 off of is a transcript of Donald Trump's speech on Wednesday 29th March 2017 that he gave as a representative on the Women Empowerment Panel with his daughter Ivanka.

The course outcome this written task aims to meet is to 'Analyse how audience and purpose affect the structure and content of texts.' I will by showing this through the creative form of an opinion column about the irony of Donald Trump's placement on the panel and how his language and perspective is conveyed by his speech; contrary, to his previous statements about women.

The irony of Trump's speech for women intrigued me deeply and how the content of his speeches towards women changed based on his audience.

Furthermore, the subject of gender equality is something that is of particular interest to me as it has been and will always remain relevant to society and the manner in which we govern ourselves. The speech given by Trump provides an opportunity to discuss and analyse both of these concepts.

The challenge in this task was to remain focused on the critique of the sardonic and ironic issue of Trump giving a speech on women empowerment rather than purely the content of his speech and language devices he may have used as it is a particularly evocative subject.

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To maintain a balance throughout it was imperative that I included my knowledge of the contextual information that fuelled the speech in the first place. In doing so I would be able to provide a highly interesting and strong viewed opinion piece on the speech that is arguably one of the most controversial speeches in this modern day, thereby commenting on how Trump uses not only the subject to engage his audience but also his specific phrases and lexis to create a perspective that is fallacy - as it creates a false sense of hope for women's rights.

Donald Trump sat on the panel for Women's empowerment on Wednesday afternoon with his daughter.

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Donald Trump. How disgustingly sardonic.

The maestro of irony certainly did his best work, as Trump stood there articulating America's need and want to 'make our economy a place where women can work, succeed and thrive like never before.' His lawyers were pleading diplomatic immunity for Trump the 'women's rights activist' against a woman who alleges Trump sexually harassed her while competing in The Apprentice. What a hysterical disaster.

Donald wasn't the only Trump speaking on Wednesday. While he was empowering women to dream (as long as they don't dream of taking him to court), his wife Melania was making a rare appearance of her own in Washington at the International Woman of Courage Awards.

During his speech, Trump pays admiration to Abigail Adams and her amazing will, drive and how she 'urged her husband to remember the rights of women. She was very much a pioneer in that way.' Honestly many must be wondering why Trump hasn't been 'urged to remember' morality and the concept of choice; maybe such as women should decide whether they want to be pregnant and financially afford a daughter or son or not.

Trump calls attention to his 'empowerment' of women and rhapsodizes how women who are competent and persevering are not seen as endearing but intimidating even 'scary'. He then moves forward in his very captivating speech with absolutely no explanation as to why women are so harmful to a man's work ego. In addition, if women are so - alarmingly proficient - why do we keep accepting less than our worth. Anyhow; let us just 'believe in each other and dare to dream'.

Humorously, Trump of all of the politicians in time is most of all diminishing to women. He will only let us dream. Nothing more than a dream the politician cleverly manipulates to convince the audience there is hope of reality. Trump and women empowerment is the biggest joke of political existence.

Trump calls attention to his 'empowerment' of women and rhapsodizes how women who are competent and persevering are not seen as endearing but intimidating even 'scary'. He then moves forward in his very captivating speech with absolutely no explanation as to why women are so harmful to a man's work ego. In addition, if women are so - alarmingly proficient - why do we keep accepting less than our worth. Anyhow; let us just 'believe in each other and dare to dream'.

Actually, that's not quite fair. There was a mention for one political policy: affordable childcare, the signature issue of Trump's daughter Ivanka, which would be a huge boon to women's independence. Well, women in wealthy families; according to one analysis, 70 per cent of the benefits of this proposal would go to families making $100,000 (?80,000) a year or more. Not much help here, then, for single mothers on the breadline.

In Trump's emancipating speech for women he conveys his newly apparent belief that 'whether you're a woman or whether you're a man, you have that same dream: You want to be able to dream'. In addition, what Trump cleverly does not add in too his speech of belief, hope and community - is the hoax part. The fact that all he is promising, is a dream. We have been susceptible to these so-called promises for years and years. However, from Donald Trump. We need to comment on the pure hypocrisy of this man. Even in his liberating speech hypocrisy is vivid; he states, 'we want a country that celebrates family, that celebrates community, and that creates a safe and loving home for every child - every child.' Even if Every Child is not always a wanted child. If women wish to be free sexually - as are men, it may become a burden and women are to deal with this burden; although, us women aren't to forget we can 'dare to dream'. Dare to dream of having choice or to be free of a burden just for acting as men can if they choose. Why can't we choose? Oh yes, because Trump the man of 'liberation' is the man - the man- to decide that being sexually free must be a burden for women. As Every child must be born whether we (the mother) can care for it or not.

For a single moment, I believed Trump may have been saying something emancipating and perhaps true. Meanhwhile, as he continues through this tragic series of lies, he has to link

The time to empower women was last November, when America could have elected Hillary Clinton, and nobody in modern politics has done as much to diminish women as Donald Trump.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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Task 1 off of is a transcript of Donald Trump's speech. (2019, Nov 17). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/task-1-off-of-is-a-transcript-of-donald-trumps-speech-essay

Task 1 off of is a transcript of Donald Trump's speech essay
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