Unveiling Deception: The Theme of Appearances in "Tangerine"

Categories: Books And Reading

Appearances Are Not Always What They Seem in Tangerine

In the novel "Tangerine," written by Edward Bloor, the theme of appearances not always being what they seem is prevalent throughout the story. The characters in the book often portray themselves in a certain way to the outside world, but their true selves are revealed through their actions and decisions. This theme is not only limited to the characters but also extends to the setting and events that take place in the story.

One of the most striking examples of appearances not being what they seem is seen through the character of Paul Fisher.

At the beginning of the story, Paul is portrayed as a nerdy kid who is overshadowed by his older brother, Erik.

However, when Paul transfers to Tangerine Middle School after a sinkhole incident at his previous school, Lake Windsor Downs, he undergoes a transformation. The roughness of Tangerine Middle School teaches Paul to be less afraid of his brother and more confident in himself.

This transformation highlights how appearances can be deceiving and how people can change when put in different environments.

Another example of appearances not being what they seem is illustrated through the character of Antoine Thomas, the star quarterback for Lake Windsor High School.

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Antoine always appeared happy and ready to play at football games, but deep down, he was struggling with inner turmoil. His facade of happiness masked the pain he was experiencing, and it was only when he confessed the truth to everyone that his true self was revealed.

This example emphasizes how people can hide their true feelings behind a mask of false appearances.

The setting of the story also plays a significant role in showcasing the theme of appearances not always being what they seem.

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When Paul's family first moves to Tangerine, they are confronted with muck fires that fill the air with smoke. Mrs. Fisher's initial reaction is to panic and call the fire department, assuming there is a fire. However, the reality is that the smoke is a result of the muck fires, not an actual fire. This instance demonstrates how appearances can be deceiving and how things are not always as they seem at first glance.

In conclusion, the theme of appearances not always being what they seem is a central theme in the novel "Tangerine." Through the characters, setting, and events in the story, the author effectively conveys the message that people and situations are often more complex than they appear on the surface. By delving beneath the facade of appearances, the true nature of individuals and circumstances is revealed, highlighting the importance of looking beyond superficial impressions.

- Bloor, Edward. "Tangerine." Scholastic, 1997.


  • https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/38709.Tangerine
  • https://www.kirkusreviews.com/book-reviews/edward-bloor/tangerine/
Updated: Sep 26, 2024
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Unveiling Deception: The Theme of Appearances in "Tangerine". (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/tangerine-expository-new-essay

Unveiling Deception: The Theme of Appearances in "Tangerine" essay
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