Sweden: Small but Well Organized Country

Categories: Sweden

Sweden is a reasonably small country located in Northwestern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula with Norway on their right, and Finland on the left. Sweden is said to have a utopian society due to its low birthrate, low employment, and having the world’s highest life expectancy rates. People first came to Sweden about 10,00 years ago and the name Sweden comes from the warlike Their flag colors are blue and yellow and they take traditions and customs very seriously and family is important to them.

Sweden is one of the least populated countries in Europe, with a population of less than 10 million people. Sweden is about the size of California. The main language spoken in Sweden is Swedish. Swedish is a Germanic language, which has historically been the main language if nearly the entire population, and almost 90 % of native Swedes belonged to the Church of Sweden.

Stockholm is the capital and the largest city in Sweden. The total area of Sweden is 449,964 sq km of land area and 410, 934 sq km of water.

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Another one of Sweden's most populated cities, Göteborg, with 783,000 inhabitants. A major city of Sweden is Malmö, with 515,000 people. Sweden is filled with lakes and rivers which provide water for the country. More than half of the land in Sweden is filled with forests. People in Sweden 10,000 years ago would be known for being hunters and gatherers and trading with the Roman Empire. The name Sweden comes from the ‘Svea’ tribe and the Swedes call their land ‘Sverige’ which means “Land of the Sea.

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Sweden in its foundation is a monarchy as well as a democracy, and has a parliament which is called the Riksdag. The parliament has 349 members from different political parties, each expressing their own opinions on the legislative matters which are discussed within their legislature. Similar to the United States government in which they both include a constitution with three different branches. The seats of the Riksdag are elected on a proportional basis and on population to the amount of votes the party receives from the Swedish people in an election. Then members of the parliament vote for a prime minister which is similar to a president, who then appoints members of the cabinet. The Swedish constitution states that all citizens have the right to freely seek information, organise demonstrations, form political parties and may practice their own religion. However the right to express an opinion is not an absolute right. When abused, freedom of speech can be offensive and can create discrimination or violence, or have negative consequences on the society or on an individual.

A major difference between the government’s is that Sweden’s government is a Parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy while the United States remains a Republic Democracy. Also, like the political parties in the United States, In Sweden they there can be multiple parties in power at the same time. They also call their leading parties leader the “Prime Minister”. Now life in Sweden or in Europe the culture and lifestyle can be seen as very different. Sweden is really big on energy conservation and like to help out in the environment as much as they can. Holidays and traditions are different as well as they are very close with family and take traditions very seriously. For example, “Midsommar” which is the longest day of the year they all take a break and go to the nearest parks and spend time outdoors. This is also a very important holiday because it brings together family and centers around the Sun.

Sweden is a small but well organized country. With only have a population the size of California, it is clear that Sweden knows how to manage themselves. Sweden’s government is in good hands with having the Prime Minister in charge and making sure that everything is being handled properly within the parliament and members. Also, knowing that Swedish individuals have the right to free speech and are able to have a voice in what happens to their country is important and allows for them to have more changes. Sweden is like all the other Scandinavian countries but provides the best in the world benefits and infrastructure to its residents and cares for their people as their main goal.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Sweden: Small but Well Organized Country. (2024, Feb 13). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/sweden-small-but-well-organized-country-essay

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