Summary: The Basis Of Modern Architecture

Categories: DesignModernism

Evolution in science and technology resulted in architects to experiment with new materials and techniques, which gave them better freedom to create new forms. Modern architecture was based upon the use of glass, steel and reinforced concrete; the idea that form should follow function; an embrace of minimalism; and a rejection of ornament. Reinforced concrete which was earlier used only for industrial structures, could be molded into any shape, and could create enormous spaces without the need of supporting pillars, replaced stone and brick as the primary material for modernist architects.

The basis of Modern Architecture’s concepts relies on transparency, honesty in materials and aesthetics. Architects around the world began developing new architectural solutions to integrate traditional precedents with new social demands and technological possibilities.

During the 1930s as much as 15% of the urban populations were living in poverty, and slum clearance was one of the many social problems of the decade. Architects worked to solve design problems in hopes of creating urban utopias.

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Modernist planning was a popular idea, and used as a solution to these problems. Principals of modernism was use of radically simplified forms, rationality, functionality, and the idea that mass production.

Many projects of the modernist era were initially successful, and the public came to associate this strong aesthetic with prosperity and progress. In the post war era, the ambitions of the modernists and their “strong sense of social responsibility in that architecture should raise the living conditions of the masses.” seemed progressive and promising. But some modernist apartment blocks even went so far as to dictate and include the furniture and blinds, to keep a pure aesthetic throughout the whole building.

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Removing home comforts from the domestic interior may well encourage purity within design, but it does little to encourage the creation of a ‘home’ rather than a house. The pioneers of the movement held a firm belief that in creating a better architecture, a better world would ultimately follow. Modernists were ambitious in hoping to change the world with their design principles. There is no doubt that a new architecture would improve towns and the living situation of many, however to assume that it could improve the world as a whole was out of reach. The reason modernist utopia is so often cited as a failure is because of its unrealistic ambitions.There is no doubt that modernism, to an extent, solved some design problems by keeping abreast of technology. But the movement could not adequately comprehend and cater for the social dynamics of family and community, and as a result, many modernist buildings were pulled down in the seventies.Modernist architecture had faced increasing criticism for its rigid doctrines, uniformity and perceived lack of local and cultural context. In response to this, postmodern architecture picked up the pace in 1970s. Postmodernity is characterized by the return of ornament and symbol to form.

Robert Venturi argued that the ancient cities of Rome spoke in historical layers and vivid juxtapositions rather than one homogenous voice. He also claimed that buildings, as well as being designed objects, were feats of place making and should seek to accommodate local conditions of neighborhood and public behavior; as individual and rich as the building occupants themselves. In practice, postmodern architecture moved away from the rigid formalities of modernism and began to incorporate stylistic references that were often playful and symbolic, using techniques such as shape, color and visual art; applying elements and structural forms from classical architecture to modern designs. Postmodern architecture tends to be characterized by its highly decorative, whimsical and kitsch aesthetic; above all refusing to draw inspiration solely from a single source, and often focusing on form over function. It also has a metaphoric nature. This refers to structural designs that are based on forms which are non-architectural.

Various new styles started to develop in postmodern era, namely structural expressionism, modern classicism and deconstructivism. Structural expressionism grew from the modernist style, utilizing new advances in technology and building materials. It emphasizes transparency in design and construction, seeking to communicate the underlying structure and function of a building throughout its interior and exterior. Modern classicism was going back to classical and traditional style architecture. Deconstructivism on the other was a bold attempt to oppose the basic principles of modern architecture of form follows function. It instead tried exploring function follows form. Deconstructvism is an approach to building design, which attempts to perceive architecture in bits and pieces, and dismantles the basic elements of architecture. Deconstructive buildings may appear with no visual logic, and they seem to be made up of irrelevant, disharmonious abstract forms. They turn out to be more abstract, and due to their considerable differences, it becomes obvious that architecture is not only an engineering discipline but also has artistic manners. It is the historical gap between architecture and its theory in particular, that is widening by the principles of deconstruction. In deconstruction, there is always the trial of destroying the center and achieving singularity. Basic Deconstructionist theory is always concerned with difference not unity, the void became greater than the solid, and form is no longer simply pure, it has become contaminated. The deconstructivism style offered a fresh perspective to architectural form but it failed to have a cultural significance. But deconstructivism left behind our ability to use computer aided manufacturing for mass production of different modular elements at affordable costs.

Updated: Feb 26, 2024
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Summary: The Basis Of Modern Architecture. (2024, Feb 26). Retrieved from

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