Starbucks: From Local Coffee Shop to Global Brand


This case study delves into the evolution of Starbucks, tracing its journey from a modest coffee shop in Seattle to a global powerhouse. The company's expansion, both domestically and internationally, has positioned it as one of the largest and fastest-growing coffee chains globally. This essay explores the controllable and uncontrollable elements Starbucks has encountered in its global expansion, identifies major sources of risk, critiques its corporate strategy, and proposes strategies for improving profitability in a specific market, such as Japan.

Controllable and Uncontrollable Elements in Global Expansion

Starbucks' foray into global markets has been shaped by a myriad of controllable and uncontrollable elements.

Controllable elements encompass price, place, product, promotion, and channels of distribution. The international market poses challenges to Starbucks, requiring adjustments in product pricing based on fluctuating foreign currency rates. The strategic decisions related to product offerings, promotional activities, and distribution channels have been integral to Starbucks' global success.

Conversely, uncontrollable elements include geography and infrastructure, competitive structure, competitive forces, and cultural forces.

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The geographical and infrastructural landscapes in different countries necessitate adaptations in Starbucks' operational and logistical strategies. Intense competition in markets like Japan poses uncontrollable challenges, requiring the company to navigate complex competitive structures. Additionally, fiscal and monetary policies in foreign countries remain beyond Starbucks' direct control, posing potential risks to its global operations.

Sources of Risk and Potential Solutions

Starbucks faces significant risks as it expands, with employee satisfaction emerging as a major concern. The risk of diminishing employee morale leading to higher turnover rates poses a threat to overall customer service quality and the perceived value of Starbucks' products.

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To address this, Starbucks should focus on improving its management team through comprehensive training programs and enhancing employee engagement initiatives. By prioritizing the well-being and job satisfaction of its workforce, Starbucks can mitigate the risks associated with employee turnover and sustain a positive brand image.

Critique of Starbucks' Corporate Strategy

A critical examination of Starbucks' corporate strategy reveals a notable gap in its approach to advertising. The company's limited investment in advertising, as highlighted in the article, could be seen as a potential shortcoming. While Starbucks employs advertising selectively, primarily during the launch of new products, a more consistent and robust advertising strategy could enhance brand visibility and customer loyalty. Increased advertising efforts would ensure that Starbucks remains top-of-mind for consumers and prevent them from easily switching to competitors.

Strategies for Improving Profitability in Japan

Starbucks' entry into the Japanese market presents both opportunities and challenges. To enhance profitability, Starbucks could diversify its product offerings by tapping into the lucrative market for bottled drinks. This move aligns with consumer preferences for on-the-go options and would enable Starbucks to cater to a broader audience. Additionally, innovation should remain at the forefront of Starbucks' strategy in Japan, ensuring a constant stream of unique products that are challenging for competitors to replicate. By fostering loyalty through exceptional products and experiences, Starbucks can solidify its position in the Japanese market.


In conclusion, Starbucks' remarkable journey from a local coffee shop to a global brand underscores the complexities and opportunities inherent in international expansion. The company's ability to navigate controllable and uncontrollable elements, address risks, and adapt its corporate strategy will determine its sustained success on the global stage. As Starbucks continues to evolve, strategic considerations, particularly in advertising and product diversification, will play a pivotal role in maintaining its position as a leader in the competitive coffee industry.

Updated: Dec 01, 2023
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Starbucks: From Local Coffee Shop to Global Brand. (2016, Oct 24). Retrieved from

Starbucks: From Local Coffee Shop to Global Brand essay
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